Early Access version 120

Yes, that’s the thing i need

Here is a super simple idea:

Double clicking a mission will perform various actions for you. Toggle the action in the “Galaxy” Menu. It will be above “Smooth galaxy zoom”.

“Double Click Action”: To-do/Favourite/Fly Mission/Nothing

To-do adds or removes the mission to/from your To-do List.
Favourite adds or removes the mission to/from your favourites list.
Fly Mission takes you straight to the Mission Config, before the mission starts proper.
Nothing is self explanatory.

No need to move your cursor so much now.

Should Double Clicking a Mission perform various actions for you? (Toggleable)
  • Heck Yes
  • Heck No

0 voters

Writer's Notes

Okay, in hindsight, this wasn’t so simple after all…

before you complain about me being impatient, there’s a “Nothing” option, so yeah. go turn that on if you’re more patient than I am

Klaus chickens HATE this simple trick!


Reported twice before.

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Wow, so helpful


Suggestion for space race:

Disable Power Preserver. That’s all.

It’s expensive, plus super effective since it practically mitigates the consequence/tradeoff for using any item that activates on death. (Invuln Extensions, Mass Condensers, Poultry Paybacks)

no poll this time because i get the feeling people will start abusing this tactic now that it’s said, so i’ll let iA decide this one

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ICBMs is more effective not costly yet not disabled in that mission.

Also why would people afford dying in that mission?

alien containers

also no one brings icbms to win a space race

Disable alien containers. Simple as that.

hairpin turn
all these waves

look the idea here is to make the competition not so pay to win

if it’s a one time purchase, that’s fine

if it’s a purchase i have to keep making just to stand a chance at winning, for each individual, yet multiple runs, that’s quite stupid. even more so when it’s literally mitigating the consequences of you trading firepower for wave rushing.

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Barbequer for the W

@InterAction_studios Can the angle & position change with vector thrust controls?

Heavy load?


yah I did, but it still like that until I decided to connect to neighborhood’s network. The problem is: Other routers still fine, but mine isn’t

For the love of god, don’t. With or without the cloud, you will still be forced to use these in order to compete. I don’t imagine it will be very fun at all. Leave this thing out of space races. It wasn’t fun before and it won’t be different now. Adding a cloud isn’t balancing the item, it’s merely making the strategy even more annoying to do than it used to be. Rebalance the item all you want, but don’t unban it from races, please.

Hey IA, may we have some words from you on the offline mode matter?

Currently the poll is standing like this, but 10 days passed and I don’t see it changing much:

CIU offline mode

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It happened to me as well. Just retry.

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Discobot is enabled, and I haven’t made any anti-moron changes to it. Perhaps you’ve selected this option in your Preferences → Interface?


Ok, turns out that there’s a bug and BX-8 has its prices flipped. Fixed in v.121 :medal_sports: Bug

This is a rounding issue. Fixed in v.121 :medal_sports: Bug

As convenient as that would be, the UI isn’t really built to support that. Or even double-clicking.

Fixed in v.121 :medal_sports: Bug

I don’t recall these reports.

Fixed in v.121 :medal_sports: Bug


This will be improved in v.121. In the meantime, whenever you see this, wait 10 seconds and then reconnect.


It refused to turn off even after I saved. Anyways, it managed to fix itself.