Early Access version 120


Not much to say about this one, just a maintenance update with a lot of tweaks and bug fixes.

Bug/Idea medals will be awarded later in the day. Note that your medal cannot be awarded if your in-game callsign doesn’t match your forum name (put it in your forum profile where it says “name” so I can find it).


You will lose:

  • any mid-mission progress
  • your language selection


:new: New features – :bulb: Tweaks – :bug: Bug fixes – :gear: Internal changes

  • :gear: Deleted users who haven’t logged in during the past week and have less than 10 minutes of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the past 4 weeks and have less than an hour of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the last 12 months and haven’t set an e-mail. Note that users with any purchase are never deleted.

  • :bug: “Terminator Chickens” wave: enemies now spawn facing towards the ‘inside’ of the screen (were previously always facing right). They also spawn slightly closer to the edge of the screen. (@ordinary_ryxt )

  • :bug: Quest goals: Corrected reference from “charity gifts” to “charity atoms”.

  • :bug: Corrected spelling errors in quest-related phrases (“spaceraft”).

  • :bulb: “It gets cold in space” boss: Prevented repeatedly targetting the bottom half of the screen. (@Arian_Playz1384 )

  • :bulb: Meteor Shower missions: “Treasure Shower” wave can now appear with a 5% probability (@ChickenGaming :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: “Compare” screen: Fixed 2nd player incorrectly showing 1st player’s quest rank icon (@PRO :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Quests: Rephrased “Fly mission difficulty” hint to make it clear that the starting difficulty needs to be greater than the specified amount (@GuestUniverse :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: Quests: “Use equipment” and “Use spacecraft” goals are now correctly limited to 100% (@neonep :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Quest goals UI: Added padding between caption and X/Y progress.

  • :bug: Compare screen: Fixed less “partial missions” considered as “being better” (applied v.97 fix also to “per hour” stats) (@RainbowBoyVN :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Fixed cases where a gift/atom dropping outside the screen (but approximately parallel to its edge) would not be immediately deleted, thereby preventing (delaying) the wave from ending (@Arnav :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Quests: “Collect food” goal: swapped caption and hint (@thai2910 :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :gear: Added a faster version of the “grayscale” pixel shader.

  • :bulb: For faster performance, “Low detail” mode now uses fast version of grayscale pixel shader on backgrounds (@neonep :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: When sorting owned equipment by “type”, they are now also sorted by decreasing upgrade level (after class and rarity) (@QuackQuack :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: M40x spacecraft description: changed references from “twin/quad engines” to “exhausts” (@QuackQuack :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :gear: Months are now assumed to be exactly 365/12 days long (previously, all months were assumed to be 31 days long, which caused some discrepancies when printing out time intervals) (@PlasmaX @SA-GoldenBoss128 :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Darkness missions: Background colorization is now also partially affected by hot/frozen environment (@AnasWael :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: Fixed discrepancy between in-mission timer and “Mission Outcome” screen “Mission time” (@neonep @GuestUniverse :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: “Dyson Spheres” wave: Suns no longer cause overheat while spacecraft is invincible (e.e., spawning, Dimensional Phase-out) (@Baron :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Multiplayer: Fixed host crash when trying to kick a player who has just left.

  • :bug: Local timezone’s midnight is now calculated correctly (affects when “Daily Stipend” is awarded) (@QuackQuack :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :gear: Multiplayer browser: Removed useless quantization when sorting by starting difficulty.

  • :bulb: Sorting mission by difficulty now also (secondarily) takes ending difficulty into account. (@QuackQuack :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: Fixed Chiller attacking while outside the screen (@damhaiyen :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :gear: Server will now reject logins while under heavy load (as measured by database congestion)

  • :bulb: Regional stores / Shady dealers now also show price discounts relative to the Galactic Store. (@kokokokos :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :gear: Windows server: Upgraded libcurl from v7.58.0 to v.7.81.0 (to match Ubuntu 22.04)

  • :bug: “Bomb barriers” now make a metallic ricochet sound when hit (@Spamton_g_Spamton :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Renamed “Recruit” quest rank to “Janitor” to reduce confusion with generic “recruit” addressing.

  • :bulb: “Alien Mothership”/“I’ll be back” bosses: Projectiles are now removed when last piece is destroyed (@iIfireIi @damhaiyen @PlasmaX :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Reaching a spacecraft’s maximum weapon power level “(+MAX)” now shows a “Max Power!” bonus (0 points) (@OneWingLunarian @windinecraft :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: H&C 101/201 spacecraft: Moved central exhaust away from spacecraft. Also, it’s now properly occluded by tail wing (@damhaiyen :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: M40x spacecraft: Moved central exhaust closer to spacecraft so that it better connects with fuselage.

  • :bulb: M408 spacecraft: More precise placement of outer exhausts. Improved occlusion by tail wing.

  • :bulb: In-mission HUD bonus list scrolls faster if there are too many bonuses (@OneWingLunarian :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Compare screen: Moved text further away from spacecraft to prevent overlap (@damhaiyen :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :gear: Windows: Updated libjpeg from v.6b to v.9e.

  • :gear: Linux: Updated libjpeg from v.9d to v.9e.

  • :gear: macOS: Updated libjpeg from v.8c to v.9e.

  • :gear: iOS: Updated libjpeg from v.8c to v.9e.

  • :gear: Passed source code through clang-format.

  • :bulb: Missions can now be sorted by environment (@Starbrockle :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :gear: Removed weapon frequency data from database.

  • :gear: Removed instrumented network traffic to debug multiplayer crashes (introduced in v.119)

  • :gear: Groundwork on iOS port (IAP).

:warning: There is bug in v.120, where the Quest data is not properly restored and some progress may be lost. Symptoms:

  • Your “Fly environmental missions” goal progress is reset.
  • Your “Use weapon” goal progress is reset.
  • Your “Use equipment” goal is either reset, or magically completed.
  • Your “Use spacecraft” goal is either reset, or magically completed.

Fixing this bug properly requires a revert of the whole database to pre-v.120, so I’m going to leave it as-is for now and hope that it doesn’t create more serious problems. If you do notice yourself getting kicked out of the server, though, report it immediately.


First here. Never got this many medals in an update. 3 idea and 1 bug in a row.

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Im talking about the Exhaust

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yay got 1st bug medal

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Can we have a zoom in/out option for spacecraft while customizing it? Would be useful to for the player to track what’s wrong and decorate his spacecraft well.

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:warning: There is bug in v.120, where the Quest data is not properly restored and some progress may be lost. Symptoms:

  • Your “Fly environmental missions” goal progress is reset.
  • Your “Use weapon” goal progress is reset.
  • Your “Use equipment” goal is either reset, or magically completed.
  • Your “Use spacecraft” goal is either reset, or magically completed.

Fixing this bug properly requires a revert of the whole database to pre-v.120, so I’m going to leave it as-is for now and hope that it doesn’t create more serious problems. If you do notice yourself getting kicked out of the server, though, report it immediately.


Does that mean everyone might have to start over as Janitors in v.121?

No. A couple of goals might be reset, that’s all.


it doesn’t matter but according to this idea i should have a “max power” bonus even though it is 0 points
The spacecraft i am using is H&C101

This spacecraft doesn’t have a “+MAX” weapon level.

I’ve rephrased the changelog to make it clearer.


oh ik

Sorry, can you give a reply about this?

It’s already at 150% zoom, any more and it will blur.

I’ll look into it.


Then how we see everything well when we zoom in/out the galaxy?

It’s blurred in the galaxy.

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Is the firerate higher in SSH / normal environment? Sometimes I shocked at the firerate of Utensil Poker.

I no longer receive notifications for completing quests like they used to do (iirc). Should it happen?

Suggested by me and denied.

I clicked the “Per hour” and this bug happened (sorry for no screenshot but you can easily see it while comparing to other people has higher or lower rank than you)

And also,

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My ship’s max power is actually 18, so why did it give the “Max power” when I reach 18+10 power? That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.