Early Access version 119

Comet Chase review: might not do these again until something is done about this.

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Can you add one more thing to this? When an update incoming, all result mission will be deleted, you can’t see View Outcome of any recent missions. Like this:

All missions is reset, dude

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For some reason, hot and frozen missions now lag up my laptop, I know I have a shit laptop but it wasn’t lagging as bad as it did before the update, I don’t know if the colorized backgrounds have more effects or something but I don’t like it
Btw not buying a new computer

Try going to C:\ProgramData\InterAction studios\CIU\ia(steam)\119, open CIU.cfg and change the loadMode to 0 from default 1. For some reason that solves almost every lag issue I’ve ever had. Cons: you now have a loading bar in-game when you launch it.

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I use the standalone version, and your solution didn’t work

Maybe… we can see Quests in pause game but it can’t add that, isn’t it?




I like the new quest system but think that two progression systems may become overwhelming. Maybe you should remove old tier levels and add rewards for quests (I’m not certain if there are rewards for quests. I haven’t completed the first set of missions) Also you may simply add key rewards for every 1 billion points, for example, instead of old tier rewards.

Tiers is a secondary measurement, its only purpose is to let you access harder missions and give a small key bonus.

It’s borderline, but no.

If you don’t have it, then you should buy it. More expensive spacecraft are reserved for later ranks, so it should not pose a problem.


I don’t see them as sufficiently different from the Daily Scramble.

I’ll look into it.


Although the ranks can be renamed, it will take a lot more than an off-the-cuff suggestion.

Thanks, fixed.

I don’t see why not.

I don’t remember. Maybe in an attempt to make it less overpowered?

I’ll look into it, but off the top of my head that is going to be very hard to fix, if not impossible.

Changed in v.120

Probably. I’ll look into it.

Ah, bug! Fixed in v.119.2 (server-side) :medal_sports: Bug

Part of the point of the quests is to figure out how to achieve each goal most quickly/efficiently, so I don’t see that as a problem

(Another) part of the point of the quests is to force you outside your normal comfort zone and to experiment with different playstyles. That’s why you get goals that are related to exploring the galaxy, using a particular weapon, or (in this case) using particular equipment.



I can’t make exceptions to the usual “mission complete” rules.

Just having it mounted counts.

Need a poll for this.

That doesn’t happen with all updates. It was necessary for this one, however.

Yes, that’s the reason. I’ll look into it.

That’s very messy to do. Plus, not all quests are related to mission progress.


Sounds good

Will momentarily reset server to apply 119.2 emergency fix. If you are disconnected, simply reconnect.


Doesn’t mission complete only trigger once all keys/coins/powerups are outside the screen/collected?
Can’t you do the same to the retro stuff?

Forgive me for this dumb question, but were you sarcastic?, It’s very rare for me for someone to call me a genius.

I don’t get why, Is it too hard to implement?

Wait so this wasn’t intended?, Further Quest requires more costly equipment that needs keys to purchase, if you are gonna decrease key rewards to an unwanted extent, this might bankrupt the player.


Can this tweak also be applied to infinity chicks?

Infinity Chickens don’t fire at ground often.

Good point

Ranks in the Star Fleet are named after the U.S Navy Ranks.

The Navy and the Star Fleet both use “Ships”. Plus, the way the things work in space is not too far off from how things work out the sea, actually.
Try reading into this

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I have a suggestion, I think we should be able to change the tasks paid or in one go.

sorry for the bad drawing