Early Access version 119

I think iA said it’s not possible or it’s very hard to implement but I’m not sure, that would be cool though.


I checked and surprised that there isn’t quests about scores yet. How about quests require us to accumulate an amount of score (100 millions for example).

Quests about skills can be applied as well. Fly 10 missions on Superstar Hero for example.


Do friendly dares count toward competitive mission objective?

Upd. Yes, they do. (Looking for friends to do those)

Is it possible to make a progress display after completing a mission?

I have an idea,but it’s not looking good to see test main

Maybe IA won’t add that :slightly_frowning_face:

uh where else would the ad be


You right :roll_eyes:

Is it intended for the “bomb bariers” in Dyson Spheres to not make a metalic sound when hit?

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Idk if this is a bug or not but I flew 6 missions with only lightning fryer but it doesn’t count?

All mission must be unique. Did you re-fly any? Did you collect any other gifts, even at the end of the last wave? Did you lose any?

you either changed your weapon during the mission or played the same mission

Yea, IA. Can you change the description and make it say the missions need to be unique?

Random idea for IA: Can you update the inbox so that the messages call us out, based on our quest ranks? I find it funny that they still call me a Recruit although I’m a Commander.



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Might as well call me ‘‘Commander Recruit’’.

Why does the commander have such a rank badge?

It’s a bug. Fixed:

Understood thanks.

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Have a good day, you’re welcome!