Early Access version 118

well this is gonna be fun

Can loadout screen also show items equipped in other spacecraft? You may not allow transfering equipments directly between spacecraft, but can you at least show where the unavailable items are equipped?

In the -2002test, zones have a hole in the middle of them, bug?

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Publishing this -2002test was a mistake I swear.

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That’s how it works.


Poll for this idea because why not:

good idea bad idea
  • good idea
  • bad idea
  • neutral
0 voters

And a poll for this idea because IA asked for it:

good idea bad idea
  • good idea
  • bad idea
  • i’m ok either ways
0 voters

Can I get medol too? CIU rebalance ideas
Was suggested from my old account in this topic long ago

changes in waves no longer spawn new idea medals, so it’s a nope.
There might be an exception here since you’ve suggested this way before this rule though, but I don’t think you’ll get it - it’d spawn in alot more cases like this for IA to fix.

What are you talking about?

I don’t know if you’ll get a medal or not, since I’m not getting one from this suggestion

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IA had a new rule back in EA ver 117 or 116 that stated this.
Also @neonep I don’t have one for Yolk Star poking heads suggestion too, so it’s a thing now.

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Oh yeah I hadn’t noticed that right away. Then I guess it doesn’t matter. Could still be mentioned at least but it’s fine if not.

Your wording confused me and I just forgot about that rule. Or perhaps this is what checking the forum immediately after taking a nap does to me…

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he probably meant that you won’t get a medal because changes on waves don’t result in medals getting awarded and as you can see IA didn’t award the other guy a medal.

Yes I realized that. Please read the reply I wrote after that one. Thanks.

Bug: In “Bloody goes whereever it pleases” boss, we can damage the first quarter of the henterprise before it shoots his gigantic beam, however when we do that, the charge effect instantly disappear after that, but it still fires the beam after some moments of it disappearing which might mislead the player and get him killed. could you fix that?

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is this display problem? Positron Stream (Blue & Red line) glitched while shooting ;\

I can confirm the similar issue in “Boldly Goes Wherever it Pleases” boss. I’ve thought of it many times but forgot to report. This can be very problematic on low difficulties or in multiplayer, where we can damage it so fast and make it crack at 25% or 75% even before it start to shoot the middle beam.

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bloody goes wherever it pleases

is this a new boss with lots of gore

im interested in age rating increasing boss


This has happened for quite a while now, way back in v116 I had this happened, which actually got me killed. (That’s the earliest instance I can remember seeing this occurring, but could happen way earlier)