Early Access version 118

In the wave cover to cover I think start to count time to early bird when the first chicken come between the barriers and not immidiatly because when the chickens are in the cover it’s impossible to hit them.

Well, you can get Early Bird if you kill an enemy within the first second of the wave. However, the wave starts when the timer in the bottom-right corner start running, which is when the barriers start to show up. Many other waves have the similar problem (because the first vulnerable enemy appear too late), so I think it’s not worth screw up the mechanic to fit it. Just accept it’s impossible for everyone, or just pretend it’s unavailable in those waves.

Anyway, let’s wait for iA’s reply to see if it’s hard or worth doing.

This is why I said it wouldn’t make sense to some extent, Whatever we could make another penalties to other satellites since they give strength advantages with probably unequal penalties.

not sure if this is suggested, but anonymous mode (or whatever it’s called) still shows your coords and it’s possible for anyone to snipe on stream and know who you are so i’d like coords to be hidden as well

@InterAction_studios I suggested of that…

He already said “no”, twice. Reason: too expensive for too little payoff.


@InterAction_studios So, can we have CIU have a x64 version? It no longer runs on WinXP and it no longer uses DX9.
Plus, I think it might reduce the amount of out of memory errors players have been receiving earlier.


Mind checking this out?

Isn’t that clearly stated that x64 build will only make the game bigger and that’s all? As for memory errors, which ones exactly? Bad allocation? I can allocate something incorrectly on x64 without any problems just like on x86. Run out of memory? Most people here have 4-8 GB of RAM, and the game resources take like 400 MB, and I’m pretty sure these are not loaded at once. For x86 build to have memory allocation disadvantage and x64 to not, the RAM usage should exceed 4 GB and I highly doubt that it’s even possible for CIU. And even in that case there might be a workaround I don’t know about because I’m an idiot who never compiled anything different to default compiler settings.


Didn’t I already tell you that this is intended?

A small idea.
Seem like the randomize sometimes is so strange. Although there are 20% for Budget Constraint but we had meet this type of mission 5 times (today is 6th time)

So i have a small suggestion that changing Daily probabilities:
•Today’s Scramble: 40% → 60%
•Weapon Training: 20% (no change)
•Pot Luck: 20% → 10%
•Budget Constraint: 20% → 10%

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Also, with the filter feature they could set the filter to filter for “all levels” if you don’t want to filter for level types specifically.

Randomizer is weird. I like it better if the whole week got set beforehand, with some rules:

  • At the start of the week, all levels have the same chance to appear
  • Levels that have already appeared has a lower chance of appearing again in the same week.

This is a fairly simple system that’s scalable - so if we got more level types in the future,
the levels assigned would still be diverse and unpredictable without having to fix the complications that comes with adding more level types.

With the old system we might have problems when there are 6 level types or more, as there’s no room left for 20%-ing level spawning chances, plus there could be a case like this where 1 type of mission gets spawned over and over and over again.
(technically this will still be a thing, though happens way less often)

PS: Also why would you nerf Pot Luck chances?
It’s not even that common the last few days already.

Soooooo can you add the attack, @InterAction_studios ?

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There’s no way IA is denying this one. There’s no way.

I think in the future we’re gonna invent 7 types of daily missions so we can have each type once a week, even in fixed order.


It was so good yesterday

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Wrong topic?


This is the balance, not really nerf
WT/PL/BC are special training programs for us. One is training our using weapon, one is training the Config and the way we use those equipment in that Config, and one is training skill issue without any help by only taking Extra lives and Heat Sink which was setted. That’s why i decided to change the daily probability.

Because of the randomize, which not involving to your question. RNG moment :person_shrugging:

Changed in v.119 :medal_sports: Idea


No, it will actually make them worse.

It’s already correctly answered.

Well, I’ve added, but it doesn’t depend on difficulty. And Double Team is also affected. Changed in v.119