Early Access version 117.2

Honestly it’s more annoying because others can steal your satellites, forcing you to rejoin or hope others die and lose them, which is kinda oof.


Honestly I find sharing satellites with others is fine. after all satellites are many and games are chaos in multiplayers games.

I think I said something similar to this.

If you meant this one:

Then it’s different because your suggestion is about making them disappear once they leave a multiplayer game. Fractorial’s idea is to make them so that only the player who have them only can dock them and not others.

By nature, I don’t like taking something that belongs to someone (unless if they’re fine with it). Satellites (of the host themselves, or other players) in multiplayer games are an example in this case.


Yeah, it’s similar imo.

Players can just wait for others to dock those satellites, then leave/rejoin

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This is bug


Great Minds Think Bugs.


Visual suggestion: can we have like an explosion aura or shockwave (?) on bosses when they are destroyed? Like this: (Sorry if it was too bright)

Do you want this visual into the game?
  • Yes, Complex.
  • No, Useless.

0 voters


Personally i love the idea. But on the other side, wouldn’t it make the game lag even more? Even i’m using pro gamer mode, and some explosions still distracting me

Is the Pot Luck Slot Randomizer ™ randomly giving out between 12-20 slots?
Sure it has variety to it, but if it does give you 12 slots you may not have enough items to use in these kinds of missions. (due to non-usables stated in the previous post)
Kinda funny saying it though - a mode all about strategic item usage has no usable items. Hah.
Either ways I’m still suggesting this - it could provide much more strategy than it is currently.

PS: I was right lol - PL Intermediate today has no usable items.
(Kinda, there’s 1, and you need to ram into an enemy to use it, which is a really risky move risking your current fp, life count to destroy 2 vital enemies - which definitely has no point rewards to it because the medal point loss is far greater the score value of any 2 enemy you can find in the map. Except from maybe bosses, but point bonus + boss score > boss score itself.)

how you get this ? :thinking:

For waves that had its “Anomaly zone” removed
(due to newbies may rush in and die not knowing its not safe), if possible, can the Anomaly zone spawn in after a set delay once the wave has finished executing instead? Some observative people can notice it’s there still and might go for it way too early on + theres that case of accidentally walking into one (while using a close-ranged weapon - mainly the Barbequer) … which is never a good thing.

I don’t think it’s a bad idea either, iA has taken some month-long breaks in the past, but I don’t think iA want to release updates that are too big that are at risk of serious bugs. Even if he has to do that, it is definitely possible to revert, but this will annoy some players that play right after an update is released.

Of course a 20-year programmer have known all of these tools. But programming is hard, there is no way to know how much time does it take to fix a problem or add anything before you actually finish it, and there is no way you can guess that A is easier than B to implement, when you get to actual coding the difficulty may be completely different then what you guess by looking at it.

The reason you usually see bigger online games with big production teams seem to release new content consistently is because they have finished it long before (months or years) and only wait for them to be released. While for Geometry Dash, another game with a one-man army, it hasn’t received an update since Chicken Invaders Universe was released.

It’s his game, he has the final decision, he shouldn’t throw likes like he used to do at the beginning of the forum when it is impossible to guess how long they will actually take. In the beginning of the forum iA also said that Early Access should take about 3 months, that is also a very confident prediction that iA shouldn’t do now.

FP 10: “Mega Powered!”
FP 20: “Super Powered!” (The only one that actually gives 100,000)
FP 30: “Ultra Powered!”
FP 40: “Extra Powered!”
FP 50: “Over Powered!”

props if you know the reference

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So I’ve taken a read through the whole topic as I was absent for a week and missed the release day.

  1. Spacecrafts schemes in fleet.

I’m against removing them because they are cool. Neither do I understand why the preview was added in the same place, we can name our spacecrafts.

  1. Translation issue where translation gets detached from your account and/or client.

I’ve experienced it too the last time I tried to translate something, and fixed it as usual by changing one letter back and forth to reapply it, after that it appeared correctly in-game. I thought that that was a simple disconnection whenever I was translating in the past, but there was quite a number of entries I thought I translated which were left with no sign of editing from my own account, waiting for an approval of existing translation. Oh, and Ctrl-E doesn’t return me back to English which is sad, though I don’t remember when that began to happen, probably whenever a language selection screen got added. May have missed a change log entry stating that it’s not a thing anymore.

  1. Health doesn’t allow to plan stuff.

Get well, drink tea.

  1. The font.

Looks awesome.

  1. Removing points from medals for not using A/B/C.

This would only makes people with skill issue benefit more from that and make the medals as useless as “either brave or stupid” one.

  1. A gigantic danger zone conveniently shown right at Yolk-Star™ wave.

  1. Shockwave

I’d say depending on the boss. I definitely don’t want to see it on every single one of them.

Meanwhile people in discord are torturing my soul by making “unfair disadvantage” mods.


It was only intended for Pot Luck as using items to win is encouraged, but I moved on from that - adding more items to Pot Luck in general to give players more potential tactics on using them and potentially get more points than the medals themselves opens far more possibilities, though I hope that gets accepted.

Note the word “potential”, as you might still take a risk losing those medal points and not get a lot more points when you actually use them - it takes real skill to actually be able to pull this one off.
And it takes even more skill to get a ton of points without using any items, but by this point they are more than worthy of getting that Top 1 spot.

Plus it’s easier to do, so there’s also that.


Dr.Beaker , his paper will get burnt ( destroyed ) when get hit by 20 projectiles , can we give them HUD Health ?
but it will be different than the normal HUD Health , instead of showing the Health Bar , it will show the number , literally a number that goes down from 20 to 0 .
With this , I can easily see how many shots are needed to ignite the paper.


I like it more if it had health tbh (and apply Health HUD on that), because at the moment an absolver beam spam on paper is useless without coolants.

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A suggestion for pot luck

For each difficulty, the amount of items the game can give you, will have a few rules.
This is to ensure the player won’t be getting more than/less than what they need for pot lucks.

Easy: At least 6. Up to 12.
At least 2 slots will be filled with extra lives. There will also be no more than 2 poultry paybacks/mass condensers/speedy recoveries.
No more than 1 slot will be filled with special weapons. (you probably wont need any for easy anyway)
There is no HUD requirement. You might get none.
The rest are filled with extra mountables and perishables.

Intermediate: At least 12. Up to 20.
At least 3 slots will be filled with extra lives. There will also be no more than 3 poultry paybacks/mass condensers/speedy recoveries.
No more than 3 slots will be filled with special weapons.
At least 1 slot will be a HUD.
The rest are filled with extra mountables and perishables.

Hard: At least 18. Up to 30.
At least 4 slots will be filled with extra lives. There will also be no more than 4 poultry paybacks/mass condensers/speedy recoveries.
At least 1 slot will have special weapons. No more than 4 slots will be filled with special weapons. (These will help you deal with the earlier waves. And potentially waves where enemies can escape. Plus, too many specials and you might not have enough resources.)
At least 2 slots will be a HUD.
The rest are filled with extra mountables and perishables.

Should the amount of pot luck items be distributed differently depending on difficulty?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters