Early Access version 113

So it should be the same size as Visitors from Another Dimension safe zone.



I firing with any weapon I see the ship is moving without move Satellite

But☝️. The satellite is not moving when I fire can you handle it that or not?

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While recharge Absolver Beam then go Into the Ice cloud, Is still generate heat

Reported already, won’t be fixed.
Edit: ok, nvm then


IA, can you make enemies appear faster in “Bad Sector”

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It’s too early to know yet.

Updated WIP:


Ok, this sounds like a bug because I recall @Sammarald also reporting it. Will investigate.

This is by design.

Known. Will take a second look at it.

This is similar to Early Access version 109 - #227 by Boyfriend . I don’t know why those programmatic delays came from – possibly a copy-paste bug? Changed in v.114 :medal_sports: Idea


Fixed in v.114 :medal_sports: Bug


Wow amazing @InterAction_studios very cool :+1:



Should snowballs prevent our spaceship producing heat just like the icy clouds? Also, shooting produces heat, causes the snow to melt and shortens the effect of snowballs hits? What do you think?

It’s not like that mine is very hard to notice xd.

So anyway 6 suggestions and 1 question:

  1. Can acheive score by killing the comets in Henelly’s comet?
  2. Can the balls disappear once it’s owner is killed in bend it like bechken wave?
  3. Can the pro gamer mode users gets infront of big explosions like henterprise explosion and egg cannon?
  4. Well I don’t know if I am right or wrong in suggestion but I don’t think the first type of U.C.O boss (that have 1 red laser and 2 green lasers) is suitbale to appear in higher difficulties due to it’s poor attacks. So can you disallow it’s appearance in higher difficulties?
  5. in the mirrored version of Bend it like Bechken wave. can the ball be infront of enemies? it’s easy to kill them while they are uncovered unlike the original one.
  6. Can score be granted once equipping satellites during missions? lemme be a bit fair here. setting them before flying a mission is something exploitable because it helps us in the first hard moments of the mission until a container is destroyed so this is why I suggested this.

Now the question is why does the lightning fryer appearance change when getting into the trail of henelly’s comet? (Here is 2 pictures to facilitate locating the differences):

please tell me this part is a joke


it’s not. I know this does not deserve a fuck to care about. but other future players will and give IA headaches about it. so fixing it early is better I guess. so this is why I am reporting such bug to avoid annoying shit in the future.


you’re literally shooting lightning fryer ON the comet tail

why else would it become redder/purpler/bluer

Because other weapons doesn’t get something like this?

maybe it’s because lightning fryer is partly translucent???


Whatever if this intended or not intended. I will let IA decide to fix it or no. But this report is just to make sure he puts this in his mind once another player gives a fuck about it.

No, that would allow for score farming. Well if it was allowed only in casual missions, that would be okay I suppose(is that not the case already?) but leave it disabled for competitive.

They do, if you kill the owner before it throws the ball. Once it does throw the ball, well, it’s no longer the owner.

I don’t understand your suggestion. So you get bonus points for picking up satellites in the middle of a mission? And this somehow is supposed to deal with the problem of players starting with satellites and making the game easier?

  1. You can literally just start with satellites anyways and waste them to collect the new ones, which is total nonsense.
  2. This “problem” you mentioned isn’t a problem, the whole point of equipping satellites at the start of a mission is so they can help you out…

I am pretty sure anyone who has any basic knowledge knows there is nothing wrong with this.


So sometimes people ask why the timer and waves counts in retro missions are in ???. to explain that can you update this description so it reads like “Due to this, The timer and wave counts are Glitched/ shown in ???” something like that

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or perhaps make it show as well when you play a retro mission