Early Access version 113

… It is. That’s why only few people even mentioned this, because nobody cared as you can’t notice it.


Different waves — different ball mechanics. My bad, mixed the waves in my head. When the ball is thrown, the owner is the target chicken.

Looks bad and doesn’t help at all.

Locking boss to low difficulty is stupid. Even multiplicity has a chance of appearing at high difficulties.

They don’t kick ball with their head.


The colours mix. It’s not like that is very hard to notice.


Yes? That’s what I said too.

Unless it’s a 5 year old kid or someone desperately just looking for medals without even thinking twice, no, there aren’t any players who will lack it.


Oh, maybe a hero quip for this situation then. It’s not an ideal solution, but it’s something, I guess.

I am not mentioning it to be allowed in competitive missions. if possible.

Help in what? it’s an effect tolerating mode.

What is your explanation to Henterprise Hecounter/Bloody goes where it pleases appearing at lower difficulties?

Why are you trying to be sarcastic when I said the reason why I suggested that?

Don’t act stupid. I am already proved wrong on this.

Don’t forget the past fights about such stuff like these. Mina’s locating bugs for example. so expect it to happen as it is a possibility.

It’s a mode that helps with hard-to-see in-game elements. That’s why it’s called like that.

Then what’s the point of adding it at all? Still an exploit, as every mission has a leaderboard.

Hend game contains literally every single part of previous Henterpise encounters. This is not the case with U.C.O.

I am serious. This was the reason this idea was rejected first few times it was suggested before you.


So you confirm that you’re doing this for medals only?


And the Hardest U.C.O boss (2 red lasers. 2 green lasers. 2 Egg guns) have every single part of previous U.C.O except that purple neutron gun.

You think. yet you don’t understand that the reason of seeing this shit happening is finding answers why a thing is rejected and why a thing should stay and why a thing shouldn’t be fixed. You should have thought of another reasons why someone would fight for such thing. but all you think he is seeking for is just medals. something that is no benefit for someone as it just a credit for helping in improving the game. tldr also making people think that you are targetting them.

Minor spelling mistake. I win.
The hardest U.C.O does not utilise its weapons separately. Hend game does.

You’ve brought minasameh to defend yourself. If it wasn’t for medals, you wouldn’t have to. I can’t find any other reason for a person to insist on fixing something that is not broken.


Defend myself? lmao. Out of all reasons you think this? It was just a proof that of my statements that fights like this happen.

It’s mentioned infront of your eyes before you even type this. again, I don’t give a fuck about it nor the laser’s cannon end point. But others player might do and bring fire to this topic just to get itself fixed.
But all you think is medals. just medals. I don’t even find benefit of having it nor you do so why I would fight for it? so would you accept fire to happen in this topic rather than get a stupid thing fixed?

this is getting more ridiculous…

Sir, they are virtual medals. Nothing about my forum activity would have changed if these had never existed. If a large percentage of players see a problem, someone here would have replied.


Small idea: redacted informations (the timer in Singularity missions) make them obfuscated scrambled text (it’s like this: 4ď:£s.Øßg and constantly changing) instead of “???”

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By the way, here you can add heavy epic music. But this is purely my opinion.


Well some weird question. do these golems only appear at frozen or hot enviroments? if yes. why not make one for normal environments?

iA, what about my boss idea for new boss music ?

It’d only make it look more like a bug. We’ve had changing numbers before if I’m not wrong.


This is only valid for low probability exploits that grant significant unfair advantages, like one time a player gets a game over, but pause at the exact same time and disconnect, and then when they reconnect they get to continue playing with 0 lives, which is fixed now.


in my opinion, the Max Power bonus is unrealistic, because, when we reach 20 firepower, BXs, VFs and H&Cs don’t have a significant power change. So I think that should be changed to the max power of each ship model
example with BX9, you’ll have to reach 28 firepower to get the bonus
and with H&C 101 or VF76 and you use weapon have 8 power, you’ll get bonus
@InterAction_studios you can check this idea, thanks for reading

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On the one hand, the appearance of this or these bosses in special conditions will mean a limited chance of encountering them. On the other hand, as far as I remember (inaccurate opinion), there are bosses in the game, which, according to the idea, should be found in limited mission types, but for some reason they are found under normal conditions. for example “Nova” “Brains from a pen.” So I don’t know. This will be decided by the developer. Perhaps it needs to be met everywhere, or maybe not.

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Think you’re the one who needs to learn stuff here, like how transparency works


not really, it’s just the glitching effect (timer still shows)

I mean, just check how many times people asked to fix the timer thinking that even question marks were a bug. Scrambled text will definitely look less intended.