Early Access version 113



Unsure what you mean. You either have Accumulator or Overdrive, but not both. Which one have you mounted on your flagship?



Fixed in v.114 :medal_sports: Bug

It’s not “planned”, but it’s not out of the question either.

As luck would have it, I’m in the middle of implementing exactly such a breed.


Warning: This is very early preliminary work.

No, but since only planetary missions can display this message now (well, it’s not even a message any more), it’s already been ‘fixed’.

Given that there are many places in the UI where there’s not enough space and callsigns must be squeezed, it’s fine.

More trouble than it’s worth.

‘Fixed’ in v.114 after 20 years :medal_sports: Idea

I have programmatically created special conditions in order to capture footage for the trailer. The normal playing rules don’t apply.


It new breed Phoenix but it’s chicken hoter

Will be stop fire or will be high lev overheat I guess @InterAction_studios :roll_eyes:


It’s still necessary. On my side, I would rather suggest that IA ‘‘widens’’ the danger zone in that wave because the current one doesn’t fit the security droid pattern (they can appear from any part of the bottom, not just the center). Also, the current danger zone we have makes me think too much of the Dr. Beaker boss fight and the ‘‘Do Not Cross’’ wave.


Accumulator, i was simply playing a boss rush, and when i tried to use it at full charge it shoots fast, then stops for no reason and goes back to normal firing speed.


That always happens to me as well. IMO its happens to me most common in Hot enviornments. Espacially with Plasma, Utensil Poker and Boron. I use Accumalator for less than 1 second then it goes back to normal. Sometimes it keeps firing at a fast fire rate and sometimes this happens.


I was using Neutron and every other weapon, jesus it was annoying lol



Uh was the charge meter empty?

I can tell you since this also happens to me; No.

The main thing is that the winter outfit and other parts of the body differ from the winter breed. I understand that at the moment only the head is drawn. Looks cool.

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Full, it was full


Who remembers my version of the fire golem, how do you like the idea to change this boss. For example, there would be 2 golems themselves (winter version and hot version). At the beginning of the game, golems appear randomly and attack depending on which version has appeared. Golems can change in turn and control the climate depending on their characteristics (winter golem - cold, hot - hot climate). Golem attacks differ depending on their characteristics. They are controlled by a sphere that needs to be destroyed.


So in the end I recovered the second monitor and testing on the new version the problem persists I guess the report was already sent after causing a crash on purpose.
Do you know if this really is a completely isolated problem to the others?


This happens to me too even at full charge and after double-clicking. It doesn’t happen all the time, but when it does, it’s annoying. Even attempting to engage the booster again a few times and it still randomly cuts off.


did it happen in multiplayer? i think i reported this a while ago

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Nope, it was a singleplayer boss rush


So it should be the same size as Visitors from Another Dimension safe zone.



I firing with any weapon I see the ship is moving without move Satellite

But☝️. The satellite is not moving when I fire can you handle it that or not?

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While recharge Absolver Beam then go Into the Ice cloud, Is still generate heat