Early Access version 112

Idea: Destroying multiple egg shells for “Its The Mother Hen Ship”, You can get a Multi Kill with it.

So basically more score for those who play on easier difficulties?

For all dificulties.

You didn’t understand me. On higher difficulties you just won’t be able to get as high multi-kill as on low difficulty for two reasons:
• It’s harder to dodge.
• The boss has more health.
Therefore it takes longer to kill each stage.

Oooh okay, So now it will be on lower difficulties.
But what if they have Absolver Beam? You havent thought of that mate, also same thing for Comets

If you have visited this Shady Dealer below his name it will say :white_check_mark: Visited, and if he has new deals by it it will say New Deals!

Something error message. I use steam to play CIU

One error : I search anyone And I click Name player Francis and then I click on compare and look at this…

Two error : I go to customize spacecraft and also…


Have you tried exiting the game and reopening it again?


Yes. and I check my task manager and I take look at the program running

First program: steam the percent is 95% of cpu. It’s not good enough

Wow that’s a genius solution, especially when the error already closes the game for you


This happened to me aswell when I launched CIU and it gave me an error


Can we have a reconnect button after you disconnected by a bad internet?

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You can already do that in Chicken Invaders 5

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where is the anomaly zone


it doesn’t show because players mistake Anomaly zones to be safe

I’m not sure if this is a bug. Should 2 identical waves appear in a Chicken Invasion mission, especially when they’re close to each other?

Mission codename: Agonizing Preclusion
Star: Sun - Andraemon
Coordinate: 889 + 092

(I flew it 2 more times and surrender to just to take the screenshots below)

Wave 4 and 6 (Technological Advances) are identical, 12 UFO Chickens are introduced in each wave.

U mean, same wave in one mission? It’s rare ig


I don’t think so that

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the flame effect overlaps the score HUD


Changed in v.113 :medal_sports: Idea

“Multiplayer color” is a bit of a misnomer, because it controls several things: Your player color in the multiplayer scoreboard and pause menu, the glow for gifts/atoms intended specifically for you, the default spawn shield, the “Countdown Insight” meter, and the color of empty satellite docks when you approach a satellite.

I don’t have a good name for it. I tried “generic color” or “representative color”, but these are even less descriptive.

“Bad allocation” means your computer ran out of free memory. When you first start the game, do you receive a warning about being low on free memory?

This could be related to low memory. I’d solve that problem first and then see if this persists.

The game doesn’t really know why you were disconnected, so all disconnections are treated the same.

It’s rare, but not impossible. Theoretically, they could even appear back-to-back.

Expected. Flame is a HUD effect, scores aren’t.