Early Access version 111

This is totally unnecessary because the player do not stay on the bottom or the side of the screen where yolk star lasers becomes tougher and bigger at this point. while staying near the yolk’s shell is a lot safer to use it to trick the terminator chickens coming for you and laser are very small at that point.


no the problem here is that BX exist

IA just screenshotted that is possible to survive with BXs, And I only suggested decreasing their speed so it’s less hard to dodge, if not 4 bolts might do.

ok then where is the screenshot

This might be a dumb idea, but…

@InterAction_studios can you make an option to enable/disable contact notification like on the image? But keep the inbox notification like normal. Or just do whatever u want. I’m just focusing on Contact Notification


In EA v109 topic.

It’s not like you will focus on it for a long time, also pausing exists.

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Speaking of this, how about making the contact notification bar transparent whenever the player flies in it during a mission?


Idea: In Heroware there will be new categories,

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Like they appear if one of your friends go online, flying mission, or went offline. It’s a bit annoying when recording, it appears, letting all public that watch it know that it’s your friend. Cuz Privacy u know

Also, pausing dont do anything, it still appear nl matter what

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Maybe even the FPS counter?, The red thing or whatever its called.

Including Squadron assignment reward, Event notifications etc…

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i see is fine


An even number of bolts would leave a gap directly behind underneath the boss, which is undesirable.

There’s only one kind of Notification – the game doesn’t make a distinction between Contact and other notifications.

Notifications appear on a separate layer that can’t actually interact with the mission. It’s not very big anyway, and it can be turned off.


IA, in the ‘‘Morning Rush Hour’’ wave, although I have the Pecking Order Revealer equipped and the same wave has pecking orders, why isn’t this icon shown on enemies that form long enough lines during that wave? Intentional? Forgotten? Bug?


Idea for customization: You can change the color of the white text.

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I thought about the same idea before. But then I realized IA might deny it. Besides, for example, customizing text color to black would make it hard to read because black text and starfield backgrounds blend together.


This was due to an implementation limitation… but I changed how the wave is organized, so it’s now possible (caveat: all the enemies in each lane form one big Pecking Order group)
Changed in v.112 :medal_sports: Idea


Why is Dr.Beaker theme playing in Magnetic Manupilator?


Because Dr. Beaker music is CIU Boss music and Magnetic Manupilator boss from CIU ,so Dr. Beaker music plays in Magnetic Manupilator .

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Yeah, and don’t worry Plasma, the CI5 Victory Theme still plays in some missions.