Early Access version 109

Why it didn’t upload

because you pressed reply before it did

Intresting… Anyways is it normal to have 42.0million keys and over 80 lives


Are you hacking?


I think that’s a good idea,under 80% we can shoot burn the paper
Make boss rush harder


Sir if you wanna keep clowning prefer to the chatting place.

Yeah sure, enjoy getting stuck between the insane amount of paper and in High difficulties
stop trying to make them impossible, increasing number of potions is enough I believe, I wouldn’t mind changing the damage required to burn the paper in those difficulties, but having to dodge dozens of paper with the potions is too difficult.


I think the flagship should always be visible in Pro-Gamer mode during explosions of bosses.

Also as I previously mentioned, stasis zones in henpire ambush waves are very big compared to size of alchemist chickens. (Is it intended ?)

This is 2022,don’t make this game more easy…pro player need more difficulty like me
That’s why i want boss rush mission hard like 2018
If you say about Ironman Challenge…but a lot of wave is Chicken Invasion mission and i’m bad Chicken Invasion

First of all you don’t have to ping.

Second you are suggesting impossible things, and not hard, you are in a tight screen, and a boss keeps throwing killing papers and potions on you non-stop, Now tell me how you are supposed to survive of all those dozens without something that gives some breathing room ( Burning Papers) and even in higher difficulty, Do not think your ideas will be enough even for casual players to handle, and this is why I am suggesting increasing the potions and and making the paper having more damage to burn according to the difficulty is good enough for the player to create a breathing space.


Alright,good answer
If your idea can make the boss no more weak,i will support


over 80 lives yes, 42M keys no


Why keys arent normal

are you trying to troll me?

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No, i was just saying

you are doing a little more than a quantum amount of trolling, my friend

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I dont like to troll

yeah if you don’t enjoy doing it then why are you doing it

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Im not?