Early Access version 109

At firepower 8 I started counting it and It reached approximately 17 seconds so that’s why I said this. But anyway I still agree that the weapon needs some buffs.

Instead of accusing people that they stole your medal why do you not better tell to them or IA that you also suggested it? Medals gets shared so no need to just rant about it and causes this topic to be a burning fuel.


I already knew that Plasma suggested the idea, like, from the very beginning. I was just precising why that idea was relevant, which they did not. Also, this is thanks to me:

Exactly my point. Thank you for agreeing with me.


@InterAction_studios Regarding “It gets cold in space” boss

  1. Why there is no a flashing effect occur when the boss gets killed? Other chicken bosses does have this thing.

  2. How about make the clothes it drops have the ability to kill the player? Weird Idea but a sort of increasing the difficulty.

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1- Yes
2- I did not try to steal your medal.

Exactly, I suggested it and you said why it should be added, I just didnt understand what you meant thats all dude, Also, If youre offended, Im sorry. :cry:


So… @InterAction_studios

I disabled in game music on sattings sound and I heard sound victory (stage clear!) or(mission complete!)

And I think is not bug. isn’t it?

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The Victory Tune isn’t really a music.

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Yeah kinda, It a music for winning

Doesn’t mean that he said

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I was playing a multiplayer game, but when I walked in while he was attacking the U.C.O. who was shooting eggs but I saw the eggs very small in scale Is that a bug ?
and , IA can you add “Anniversary 120th” here ?

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3 polls:

  1. Shall the amount of projectiles the Slob fires decrease so it will be easier for players (Specially bomber users) to dodge?
  • Yes.
  • No.

0 voters

  1. Shall it’s Party time boss (Difficulty>=100%)
    use it’s charge (That thing it uses when getting mid screen) each 4 seconds?
  • Yes.
  • No.

0 voters

  1. Shall the clothes in (It gets cold in space boss) have the ability to kill the player when dropped?
  • Yes.
  • No.

0 voters



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If bosses such as the Military Chicken and the Party Chicken have shadows between the body and the wings, then why not Darth Chicken? Is it intentional although parts of the wings are red while other parts reflect light? And what about Dr. Beaker?


For some reason, the extreme themed music that you hear while travelling didn’t stop. It was on loop. All i did what click on one of my contacts and located them, and checked their stats. I did that till i finished travelling. But the music didn’t stop. I think that is why it happened.

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I don’t respond to wave ideas individually. If your wave is chosen, then it’s chosen.


Stasis zones are way harder to change, so… Changed in v.110 :medal_sports: Idea

Yes, these are not considered “in-game music”

This is where it used to be, until it was moved to Academies

Yes, I did that in CI3 to conserve bandwidth, but it is technically a bug, so… fixed in v.110 :medal_sports: Bug

Henperor is already dark enough to make further darkening unnecessary. Also, it’s made of highly reflective metallic material, which also ‘dampens’ shadows.

What about it? It has shadows.


(I don’t know if it should be said here or no but I will try and suggest something with it).

So, I don’t care anymore about if my ideas gets disliked or no, at least people votes fair.
I am not gonna get mad about it whatever my reasons are stronger or no, I will no longer depend on my opinion only, but others matter, apologizes for bad behaviours made to others specially @GgWw1175 (sorry for ping) now let me not go off topic far and get this done.

Shall the red lasers in Planetary Egg City fires at the “blind spots” that was mentioned before?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Now Anyway, I have a weird riddler buff to introduce, may look like a science fact but eh.

here is the details.

Mechanics are simple, the riddler bullet no longer gets withdrawn when hitting an object. but gets refracted to another direction.
the angle of refraction equals 50 degrees (I did not measure the angle well in the picture so forgive me for that). so the bullet looks like it is heading to a sub direction after hitting a chicken. (any bullet going perpendicular doesn’t get refracted but damage still decrease)

each refraction decreases the bullet damage by 10% (so that it doesn’t get overbuffed this much.)
and then continues to decrease with this ratio every refraction
so this is just all about this Scientific Idea.

Is it good?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Why is the light source different?

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@InterAction_studios Will there soon be “time based” league dares? Been thinking of this for a while. Space Racing but in dares.


??? Has dared you to a race! You have to be fast and finish this dare in less than 2:30:146 to win.


I don’t know – I only recently noticed it myself when I was adding the new barrier in this version. Fixed in v.110 :medal_sports: Bug

There aren’t any plans for that.


When I destroy Armored Chicken no chicken go outside of it ,IA ,can you make chicken go outside like UFO chicken ?
and when the update will be ready ?

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