Early Access version 105

Wait, it’s 100% only? How have I not noticed this before…
These missions are more likely to screw you over than any other because you have 0 clue what you’re preparing for exactly. If anything, I feel like the multiplier should at the very least be 300% or even 400%. Well, for galactic cups, anyways. For weeklies 200% or something like that is okay(altho still makes no sense when classic invasion is 300% and this is often harder, but whatever) because you can retry it as many times as you want.

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@InterAction_studios The copyright on the exe is still 2021

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I found someone with a Superior spacecraft. I then noticed that there is a space between the exhaust (smoke that comes out of the engine) and the engine, rather than they are stuck together. @InterAction_studios , is that a bug or intended?

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It’s still controversial whether the other mission types should be considered “harder” than Chicken Invasion. The following 4 stages give you keys automatically after a fixed amount of time that cannot be changed:

  • Comet Chase is definitely hard because it can easily make you lose lives if you don’t have Vulcan Chaingun when reaching there, and the small comets never give presents.

  • Meteor Storm: true difficulty completely depends on the asteroids coming from the bottom, which is not possible in Weekly Challenge and Cup Knockout Match because difficulty is below 100%.

  • Feather Fields: true difficulty completely depends on the Henpire Ambush. It is not difficult to avoid losing lives in <100% difficulty if you focus more on dodging the bullets, but if you shoot some of them you can also get more food.

  • Supernova: like Comet Chase, consistent difficulty but much easier than it because you only have to shoot when necessary if you only care about keys.

The reason the multipliers are reduced is because they drop more base keys per wave (and their base multiplier is +0% to balance it out) than an average Chicken Invasion.

I usually make it in top-10 daily hard by just completing it, and the top-10 hard rewards is worth about +50% of my keys during the mission, but never getting top-10 weekly by just completing it unless I use expensive perishables, so Weekly Challenge is even less effective.

Not many stages will be replaced, so +100% is definitely too low, hope iA will change it soon to +200% for Weekly Challenge, and a higher bonus of +300% for Cup Knockout Match will encourage players play them even if they face a hopeless opponent, or make up for the expensive perishables that serious players use.

Easter egg?

Fun fact, both supernova and feather fields are actually huge key sinks. You can pre-amp before they start with a shitton of amplifiers to be able to kill chickens in ambushes and to be able to destroy all supernova chunks much more easily.
It depends on what weapon you have tho. I assume bx-9 with positron at fp 28 might just be able to handle these with relative ease even without amps because, well, it’s an awfully broken weapon, but for a lot of weapons, that might not be the case.
Edit: comet chase has exact same issue as well, but with phaseouts. I’m unsure about meteor storm, though.

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Well idk this is a bug or an idea but look at this video!

You can see, in wave 3, I still get Multikill bonus while using Dampli. So what I want to say is this should be fixed so that everything would be fair.
Thank you for reading.


i don’t see multi kill here

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from wave 3 bruh

wait i see it

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yea :>

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Pecking Order bonus seem very difficult to receive it.
@InterAction_studios , can you remove Pecking Order. If not, can you fix it?


lol @ngothang has achived the pecking order of this wave by multiplayer ;-;

IA, Can you add Easter content in CIU ?

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Contact? :joy: You mean content?

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Yes I mean content .

I don’t know, it’s an IA choice.

DAAMMNNN You gotta have a closer look at the chicks ngl


@InterAction_studios I go to profile - >missions → I choose any mission - >last mission config when I click ad up center and then click back he back in map galaxies. did you fix this?

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UCO5 when?
Donny Kurniawan :gun: IA Studio

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