Early Access version 103

i mean yeah thats actually a feature

No that’s not arabic. It was something in parentheses that is unreadable

I propose the removal of Yolk Star from key rushes. It’s a tough endgame boss that has no place in a key farming mission.

i think its still there

IA won’t remove that boss from the key rushes.


:slightly_frowning_face:don’t delete the yolk star! ®

It’s not bad for boss rush :ok_hand:

and we can do finish this :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

he didn’t said he will delete yolk star

I guess :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Finally,this is what I waiting for.

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Skill issue.


The answer is no :frowning:

seem’s like they can’t find the ghost icon, and decided to crash the game

solution: uninstall mods lmao

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massive skill issue

where is new BOSS chicken astro ship and hemprise

I say to you before:

IA have to say: “Added to version X” thats mean the boss Is gonna added to the game

The boss is not in the game update


uncachero9960 is currently adding the boss


bruh moment

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Do you know what are you talking about??

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he’s talking about removing yolk star from key rushes


Yeah, we know that.

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