Early Access version 103

but we cant complete the hardest missions without hen solo help this help please add in Chicken invaders universe please we complete the hardest missions with the hen solo help really!

we already told you that its copyright

Hen Solo doesn’t help anyone in CIU and you can see that in the name. Because Hen only flies Solo.

hen solo helping anyone in Chicken invaders universe



We don’t need him
We have many stuff from galactic store to help us
Hen Solo Is useless and copyright

Use equipment from galactic store

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i need him he is not useless he is suitable helper with the allow wingman option in Chicken invaders universe game i want his help please

equipments is not enough hen solo helper is really suitable in Chicken invaders universe please

Cut it out. Hen Solo won’t be added to CIU. By the way, the Galactic Store and other stores are helpful.

not galactic store and other stores is not helpful hen solo is helpful in Chicken invaders universe game! definitely and really

Skill Issue

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Fun fact: Hen solo died in Chicken invaders 5
Mad madamme killed him using magic

no he left the Madame safely

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well i did that to assure him that hen solo will not come because he died, so he would stop requesting

I don’t understand how the wingman Hen Solo was this important in CI4 when it only shot 50 damage bullets every so often, so even a power 0 lightning user was stronger than that. I think that having a wingman (not Hen Solo specifically) in CIU might be cool though.

Also, I was wondering why are “copyright issues” a problem with adding that ship design into CIU but not CI4 years ago.


Will fix.

That doesn’t really fit in CIU.

There’s something called “fair use” in copyright Fair use - Wikipedia , and parody falls within it. Both the name of the character and the design of the spacecraft have been altered sufficiently so as to clearly allude to the original IP, but not infringe upon it.

More importantly, Hen Solo was a secondary character in CI4 that you only got to see for a minor portion of the game. Having his spacecraft as a purchasable item in CIU, however, would make it much more prominent and hence potentially cause copyright issues.

Having him as an NPC in the galaxy would probably be okay, but I question the usefulness of only having a single copy of him in the entire galaxy.


what about making hen solo sell upcoming boosters, at a cheaper price.


why hen solo is doesnt fit in CÄ°U why

because you’re a lot stronger than him