Early Access version 103

I’ve written about this here: Early Access version 99 - #274 by InterAction_studios

There could be. But the fact that medals currently award points is problematic – I don’t want “not using boosters” to give players a scoring advantage over those that do.

Arguably, not using boosters will cause you to miss some enemies (and hence reduce your score), but I don’t think this can ever be accurately measured and/or balanced.


Okay, lol.

the metal egg doesnt have the health bar

That’s intended.

Also it’s a little bit weird of how the satellite set work on M404 and H&C 301. So… I got some dumb suggection.

  1. The 3rd H&C 301 satellite set could be on top (ik someone suggected before but I forgot which post :skull:)
  2. Rework the satellites value into old value (4) of M404 and add the 5th satellite set for M408 (it must on top the M408)

@InterAction_studios (sorry for ping tho)

the trip between two star systems count from the point you move not from the point you leave the star system

can you change it to the point when you leave the star system that you are in?
is it a glitch?

also same with some other bosses

Already suggest about health bar

This will be done. See Early Access version 103 - #38 by Knightcap

Uh, no.


Can this also be done for the VF-66 Jackdaw?

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İA please add hen solo helper with the allow wingman option in Chicken invaders universe please İA add please i want it

We already have multiplayer, why would you need a wingman??

I can easily understand you, but please, every CI episodes works differently and not “flawlessly similar”. So don’t expect those “exclusive” stuff from the previous episodes to be added in CIU.

Also Hen Solo has suggested many times, but due to copyright, it will never be added/implemented.

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Have you ever heard of “Copyrighted Infringement”?

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I suggested this before

Read this

Do you understand something called by “copyright”?

Guys, i think he already got the message.

people suggested that like one trillion times already

Why the list of the Galactic Cup don’t go down all the way over here?


He’s already link the post but k.

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but i cant complete th most harder missions without the hen solo helper!

It all skill,no need to help