Early Access version 103

Is it an error?
I’m playing without prepare (bonus)

is just ram overload

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Here is a tip, look into the changes he made, then test those out, if it is still broken , IA will fix it (he might leave things as it is if it had a valid reason). thats how i got 2 idea and bug medals

I think moron raigun only upgrade 2 times is max :smiley:

‘It’s not a bug, It’s a feature.’

@InterAction_studios I believe the problem with the ‘‘keys disappearing at the end of multiplayer missions’’ has not been totally fixed. Apparently, at the end of some types of missions such as Boss Rushes and Supernova involving key drops per completed wave, when the (final) boss is defeated, that key disappearance is still delayed by zombie players since those players do not get keys while they are zombies (0 lives). Even though the other players, who are obviously not zombies, collected all of their dropped keys at the end of the missions. It’s as if the game considered zombie players as players, each with at least one life, therefore the zombie players’ keys still persist, but are invisible and can’t be collected.

It’s a bug I’ve actually witnessed while playing with others on multiplayer. Is it actually a bug or is it just me?

i mean yeah thats actually a feature

No that’s not arabic. It was something in parentheses that is unreadable

I propose the removal of Yolk Star from key rushes. It’s a tough endgame boss that has no place in a key farming mission.

i think its still there

IA won’t remove that boss from the key rushes.


:slightly_frowning_face:don’t delete the yolk star! ®

It’s not bad for boss rush :ok_hand:

and we can do finish this :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

he didn’t said he will delete yolk star

I guess :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Finally,this is what I waiting for.

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Skill issue.


The answer is no :frowning:

seem’s like they can’t find the ghost icon, and decided to crash the game

solution: uninstall mods lmao

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massive skill issue

where is new BOSS chicken astro ship and hemprise