Early Access version 102

I noticed when firing with the mouse and clicking alt+tab to bring the steam menu, then going back to the game it’ll keep firing on its own, question mark?

btw thx very much for the update, I always wanted to see more ships <3


Are you sure about that? There is no record of that player ever flying Space Race. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That’s because they’re longer. I don’t see that as a problem.

Changed in v.103 :medal_sports: Idea

Manual firing is vulnerable to autoclickers – that’s why it was removed in the first place.

If you start messing around with memory values, all kind of weirdness is expected. I only care about exploitable behaviour.

It was. But now that I think about it, keyboard/gamepad players don’t stand a chance.
Changed in v.103 :medal_sports: Idea

Expected, because Steam wrestles control away from the game so it can run its menu.


Hey uhh what does this really mean cause i dont understand it. Can someone please kindly explain it to me. I am confuse to whether it means that the weapon you purchase and upgrade from the galactic store is capped at that level or maximum weapon level ingame

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This has nothing to do with upgrading your weapon. It just means that the weapon doesn’t improve past these power levels. So H&C101 will stop at fp8.
Though this does feel a little confusing. Bombers have an additional power level at 24-26-28 each. Do H&Cs also have it at 18-19-20? @InterAction_studios
Just want to clarify.

Thanks man, really appreciate that

No. But come to think of it, this is inconsistent. However, it’s done this way so that a firepower limit of 10 means “no max power”, 9 means “no 10 or max power”, so you lose one level each time. If we allowed max power, then limiting to 10 would be meaningless – we’d have to start at 9 and go down to 8 and 7, which I think might be too harsh. I need to think about this.


Ah. Nah, I was just a little confused. It’s fine as-is

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Well since there’s no max power then can you still achieve them by getting atoms? (Am stupid so thats why am asking)

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You can achieve the max power bonus at 20fp on any ship. But that only grants points, there will be no changes to your weapon.

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Darn, atleast i spent my last hours with max power weapon change.

-Max Power Weapon


I accidentally crashed one of the servers wrongly thinking I was connected to my local server. Oops :grimacing:


Question: is it intended that the VFs gain a double speed boost from rarity? It makes sense considering how high their base speeds are, but I want to make sure in case this is a bug and also messes with the hitbox sizes.


Yes (in a sense, rarity boost is proportional to the base speed, but it’s all visual editing so don’t expect accuracy)

Maneuverability is completely independent from hitbox size. Have you noticed anything to the contrary?


I haven’t, I just wanted to make sure since the other ships get +30 px/s per level of rarity and you haven’t mentioned this exception anywhere (unless I missed it).


If there no power limits, Muller won’t be the most unique spaceship.


I suggest that Bullet Spray Expander and Condenser should be in the Booster cagetory because of how many strategies it contribute to the game and due to it boosting the main weapon. However, every BSE, BSC will be refunded for its true price. How much these boosters cost will be determined by @InterAction_studios

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It could be a hardpoint or a different slot if anything, it’s not worth replacing overdrive at all

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r a v e n family spacecraft without chl = p a i n

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No I talk to Lameko for posting in the wrong topic

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Uhh… I reported this before him.

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