Early Access version 101.2

Players have to be resourceful, just carry several items that is good for you like lives and coolants and stuff, its not harmful
and none should ask people to give lives to zombie players, they already went with no lives or lost it all throughout, their inability to stay alive will make them more depending on people having lives, even if the main reason is just bad hosting or some sort, have them do it better the next time, it never will be the first time
They already carried none lives, they risked it to play with several others, they should had expected to die

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i have known this one for a while, but i didn’t think that’s bug

Expected. Different weapons use different methods of deciding when they are no longer relevant, and hence when they should disappear (despawn).

That’s part of the tradeoff of ICBMs. They need to be used strategically because they shake the screen and obscure your vision.


Hey, why do balloon chikens always fall downwards? It makes them fairly annoying to kill, especially when you’re facing down and they’re coming from the bottom, you basically have no time to kill them. I think they should depend on gravity.


Even so, I think it needs to be toned down, otherwise they’ll be outcompeted by the other sats in terms of practicality.

In multi, players can fire their satellites freely, maybe that should be included in the darken other players option?

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Yeah, since its only good counter is epic waves and the rockets are really hard to aim precisely so I think it should get a buff like this: the rockets fly fast at first but slower and slower later on so that it can reach enemies at close and medium range before the chicken dodges (this is its main problem because if it cannot hit then it becomes useless), and we can maybe reduce a few particle or make the explosion animation faster. This way, it still has the same use for hard bosses and double team and can compete with other satellites. Can you do this, @InterAction_studios

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Well yes but this would at least give a choice, if my friend burned through all of his 5 lifes on a weekly challenge I would just revive him so he doesn’t lose his time while im finishing the mission or we don’t have to restart. Could work for contacts only so people don’t just go multiplayer with 0 lifes and beg for a revive

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same case as what i replied, you’re not supposed to give lives or earn lives from anybody

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This does not make sense logically, rockets move slow at first because it does not have enough acceleration, when it get enough acceleration, then it goes faster


If you think im not supposed to do that, it doesn’t mean people shouldn’t have a choice. It’s up to IA to give us this possibility, it won’t affect you anyway but will some other players

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You have a point. But this is a game with logic being thrown out of the window (for example, Hen Solo is an alien but can still speak human language) and it is replaced with imagination a whole lot more than normal. Plus, think about how imbalance the ICBM is. It hard to aim, has only 5 ammo, only good for one single target in higher difficulty missions and becomes completely useless when fighting with a bunch of enemies that has humongus health (like Armored Chicken)

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It doesn’t make sense for the story. Lives are not items you can just give.

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i think there is a reason for this, its due to the huge splash damage

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I’m trying to explain why it should not appear, how is that related to people shouldnt have a choice
If anything, you’re free to make a poll, people will see if they agree to either idea, because this is just a yes/no question
Besides, lives has always not been given and taken

Why would giving a life to somebody helps them take less time

Though contacts still does the same thing

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Also, you had only three in the episodes. so you want to reduce or increase?

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But then if it cannot hit, there is no splash damage. Furthermore, it becomes outclassed by BFG, which has better DPS, is more consistent with aiming (because of the speed of each bullets and how many bullets it has) and overall useful for all situations whether you are far away or close to the target. TLDR, it is the jack-of-all-trades

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Reviving with your lifes is a thing on older chicken invaders, you weren’t given a choice to revive tho, it just took your lifes. It could come back in a better form, what you don’t understand is not every feature has to be used by everyone to be in the game

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The reason this is OP because it is a Bio weapon/Nuclear, which is really powerful against chickens, while ICBM is fire, which is still strong but not as strong

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Because in the episodes, you can gain lives, which is not a thing in CIU

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