Early Access version 101.2

what’s wrong here? im confused

The enemies appear out of thin air

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This is what i am talking about

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It will instant kill you if stay to close (bug)

It already does that. The circle is always shown when there is a speed limit. If you don’t see it, it means speed is unlimited.

Fixed in v.101.2 :medal_sports: Bug

Fixed in v.101.2 :medal_sports: Bug


There were numerous changes made to CIU that went against the previously established convention built upon the episode, the change from manual fire to automatic fire, being one of them. If the overdrive info can be added to the tutorial, why can’t the info about shared food and keys be added to the Multiplayer tutorial.

Besides, there’s lots of space to add an INFO button in the multiplayer menu in case people miss the in-game help button, I could already envision adding an info button near the mission config button. The info could contain the mechanics of multiplayer including how food and keys are shared among players among other multiplayer only mechanics.

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Speaking of shared food and keys, why dont apply the mechanic of shared atoms when you die a lot. you get atoms specifically to you

the weapons work, thanks ia

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laser canon is a little different

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Besides which, if this isn’t possible, then the info could be added elsewhere. Like at the end of the mission, just like the game tells you your score is disqualified from the leaderbaords if you play a competitive mission in multiplayer

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beautiful, isn’t it

Is it possible that a special mode be added that slows down the speed of the backgound in all waves?
It makes me dizzy when I try and pay attention to the play field.
Perhaps a kind of eye-strain free mode that has slower background and less particle effects like explosions? although i can get the latter by turning details to low, right?


like level 7

I just noticed that when I use them, I don’t know if the circle cursor is only applicable to spacecrafts with speed below than 10ms

BX Shooting bullets is also different : stronger

BX-7, 8, 9 Max Power is still 20

Did I misunderstanding or is this not working?

I am not sure if we need to go this far with the sharing mechanic, tbh. Thanks to charity, anyone’s firepower won’t fall below acceptable level anyway.

I agree with R75 here. Communicating the fact that food and keys apply to everyone in MP session could simply be done somwewhere appropriate in the game. MP menu or tutorial or whatever else.

That shouldn’t be a problem at all. I think a more important question to be asked here would be how should this mechanic interact with players that lost all lives in the session. But whatever the case, I think the keys and food in MP should be addressed as soon as possible.


The max power bonus is always given at :zap:20 regardless of your ship’s actual power limit. This is because it gives score, so flying a ship that reaches its max level later (or maybe doesn’t have one at all) could put you at a disadvantage when competing for score.
I do feel like this bonus should perhaps be split into a max power notification (or something to that effect) and a “high power” bonus though.



Do the pieces that fall from the mothership kill you? I don’t want to check because I only get that boss in dares. Anyways, It’s annoying how the powerups and bonuses are always right behind the falling piece. So if it happens to damage you… maybe there should be a larger difference in speeds of falling pixel pieces with bonuses?