Early Access version 100

The game already uses semantic versioning in the form of MAJOR.MINOR. Major versions are backwards-incompatible (so you need the same version as the one running on the server), minor versions are backwards-compatible and optional. If the minor version is 1, it is omitted.

Anything else needlessly complicates matters. Why would you want a leading 1 when it’s always going to be a 1? Also, the distinction between “major” and “minor” updates is ill-defined during EA – major for whom? The game’s internal architecture or the players?

I don’t see what the problem is.

Bosses that appear alone in a wave do not typically have health indicators. Double Team re-uses the same bosses, so no health indicator there either.

I’ve added this idea to the list, however it’s not something I can do for v.101

Yeah, it’s a bug. Still trying to track it down.

It’s part of the wave title

This is an unfortunate consequence of how that enemy’s collision circle is shifted upwards with relation to its center. It can’t be fixed without breaking how it would look when the fence connects at the top, which looks fine now:

It’s a bug. Still trying to track it down.

There are no in-game credits yet. But the plan is to eventually include some sort of acknowledgement to bug/idea medal owners.


Maybe the bug happens when the league try to access the server to see the top
But the server doesn’t send much information back so the game thinks that it is connection error

@InterAction_studios staying in a mission in a safe spot afk for long enough (tested for multiplayer tho) will send you to the galaxy map. Relogging returns you back to your mission and hosts it.

Oh alright, it will be amazing to have the stage clear and mission failed themes to be optional. Thanks

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Ok, so let’s start.

Actually another point. Why you always start with v X.1? Major version is supposed to reset all the other numbers to 0.

Let’s come back to this in next section.

Actually, right now CIU would be better having 0 in front since it’s still Early Access - so it’s something like closed beta.

Also I find it funny since I checked all CI games on Steam. Let’s take a look shall we?

  • CI2 - CI2rm v3.07steam.g 32bit 1x
  • CI3 - CI3 v3.85steam.d 32bit 2x
  • CI4 - CI4 v4.22steam.n 32bit 2x
  • CI5 - CI5 v5.05steam.ze 32bit 2x
  • CI5 Halloween DLC - CI5Halloween v5.05steam.ze 32bit 2x
  • CI5 Christmas DLC - CI5Xmas v5.05steam.ze 32bit 2x
  • CIU - CIU v100.1steam WIN 32-bit RELEASE 2x

IA, what is going on here?
Not only you have letters in versioning and I mean letters not words.
The steam word is not even after a dot.
32-bit was missing ’ - ’ until CIU
What is even the 1x 2x?
Why all episodes start from their episode number in the version - CI4 v4.xx, CI5 - v5.xx
Why when you still made closed betas you used a valid versioning only to then bump it few versions after release? - v.0.xx to v.4.xx
And most importantly why CI2 is v3.07 even though it is mentioned that it’s remastered. With your other episodes versioning CI2 just became CI3.

Well obviously as a player I would hope major to players.

Server doesn’t need to be exactly the same version number like the client. It’s a server.


Here’s a poll:

Should Narrator say he mission number each time he anounces next wave?
  • YES
  • NO
0 voters

Ima put it here just in case you forgot to read it.

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please don’t nerf bx-9 max firepower, it would just be bx-8 then. It should be able to get at least double 10 power in exchange for being slow and having a big hitbox, I don’t mind making it even slower for the balance. We should have this choice, 20 firepower and really slow for people wanting power and 16-18 firepower with more speed for people that need more speed (bx-8, bx-7)

I was playing with my friends and suddenly got this

it doesn’t shoot

It always happens, it’s like a hell of a jumpscare when it fires the sunball out of nowhere

Yeah It just happen to me in Double Team

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incase you forgot to read this again

it should say: wave 3 of $&(glitch effect)

I guess the fireball is targeting the guy who disconnected and then it cause like this.

i think henley’s comet should be re-rendered because its recycled from a normal comet which makes it blurry


Who came up with this idea? It would be interesting to know how many points scored outside the top.


And it will. On max power.

If you have to make it crap to play with to justify the power limit, then maybe we should just lower the power limit. Even if, at that point it no longer follows the family’s stat progression and would probably be better off being its own thing.
There is an alternative solution to the BX-9 max power problem (aka make max power give you one :zap:20 pylon and one :zap:10 pylon), but I’d argue that its limit is already kinda overkill as is. I stand by the proposal that it’d be better to lower the power limits by 2 and make the hitboxes considerably smaller.


20 + 10 sounds interesting, imo it should at least be 10 + 10 at max power. Could be 20 + 10 but with price significantly increased maybe? Would be so much fun. It’s good as the powerful but expensive, what I mean is I can make my hitbox smaller with perishables but I wouldn’t be able to increase my power like that. Bx-9 for people willing to spend keys to use it’s power, bx-8 for people that need smaller hitbox or more speed in exchange for power

i think not bc its losing maybe the balance of bx

is this a bug or just intended as loop?