Early Access... How long?! (+Ideas)

Thanks a lot, qbus371. I regard your answers.

This is my answer:
1- Smartphones… This reason isn’t Enough at all!
Do you heard Fortnite, or PUBG, or else? They’re cross-platform too! I don’t want to say that CI must be like pubg, don’t misunderstanding… i just wanna say that mobile platform is NOT a good reason to decrease quality in PCs. Just hope you know my speaks…

2- 3D objects. Why NOT? You used them in CI5 , in the walls… And made a 2.5D game! This is not enough for 2020 games, but it’s a good progress after 1999’s 2D game… After these years, at least it’s better to have a 2.5D game, with EVERY requirements it needs. Dx12, Vulcan, i don’t know. I just know that lot’s of games in these years used this good methods, and you want to still stay in past’s graphics and you actually don’t know that how much this game has potential to be a very big game, and STILL triyng to keep it an small game…

3- Money.
This is a big reason that you saying to fans every time.
There isn’t budget to make multiplayer.
There isn’t budget to create the game cross-platform.
There isn’t budget to make big features more fast and get the game ready to publish.
These are worthless words. Where does every studio makes their money?.. How they can survive and make more games?..
IN APP PURCHASE. This is a good idea to make lot’s of money, but at first, it needs a high-end and rich game, and then it can make money… A poor graphiced game, or a game with 2010’s mechanism, has lower chance to make money from gamers, because of lack of gamers that love your game. Make it bigger, make it more 3D, make it more modern, spent budget to get it more developed and more graphical and more optimised, you know that your budget gets back very very soon. You’ll see your work resaults.

I dont say we need an 20GB Game full of graphics in this stage… I KNOW that game development is in the last stages… I just want some changes in graphical qualities, and adding few 3D objects as more as you can, and add features like multiplayer…
Not big requests… In the result of my speaks in up, this is not a big requests.

Anyway, it was a suggestion at all. To make game bigger and don’t let it to keep staying small. Everything is up to IA right now.
Hope you understand my speaks.
Sorry for my bad English.
I am a CI fan so im saying this things just because i love you. Nothing comes to me.


Terraria is a 2D game represented by pixelated textures, with a size of 250mb. And PewDiePie, amongst a huge ammount of people love and play that game. A reminder that it’s the same on mobile.

More than half of your ideas were destroyed by that statement.

Chicken Invaders Universe can be that too, with time and care. Not rushness and GTA 8 graphics.

I apologize if this comes off as aggresive, but not all games rely on good graphics in order to be something.

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dude it’s literally ONE SINGLE PERSON developing a mmo that would take about 1 year to “complete” at least and is full of dozens of convoluted and complex features

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Windows XP users… no?

I think you never programmed a real standalone application. Every saved byte is an achievement for developers.

FNaF, Undertale, Terraria, should I continue? First two are made by single person too.

Game needs to be cool to make money → it’s expensive → you need money to make the game to make money :arrows_counterclockwise:


What can be more modern than thousands of unique space aircrafts shooting foreign galaxy inviders to protect the world from devastation?

He made successful game series almost without negative feedback in different platforms. I assume he knows what he is doing better than anyone on this forum.

F.A.Q topic was created because of this.

Oh, and

@EAgames wants to know your location.


Here’s a question. Have you tried doing the same thing?

What game are you talking about?

No - Specific planets suggestion - #5 by InterAction_studios

it’s not a challenge who can make a smaller game. The only thing that should be considered as an achievement is optimization. And optimization doesn’t equal the game size.

*First one, if we’re being totally honest.

Unique? There are only 3 spaceships in this game.
Also I wouldn’t call that modern. This concept is at least 30 years old.


You literally pointed to “Yes” ._ .
Currently game uses dx9 so it’s compatible with XP at the moment.

Still part of it. CIU is very optimised for Early Access game.

My bad, forgot about Tem

And by unique I mean ability to change it’s behaviour and visual as you wish.

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No I didn’t. I pointed you to IA saying that fixing a problem will require porting the game to DX11 which in turn will require dropping Windows XP and look at that: Screen flaſhing white - #4 by InterAction_studios
So Windows XP is a NO anyway.

Well, that’s maybe because it’s not much different from other CI games? And CI games are running literally on everything? (except consoles [*] )

It’s also something that was already made before. And in CIU you can’t even interact with other spaceships, they are just for decoration right now.

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I think qbus371 answered most of your speaks

Just want to clear something:

You said this to my speak: “and STILL triyng to keep it an small game…”
So you misunderstood. Small game doesn’t mean of small size, i mean small for limited game features.
CI Gameplay is not changed since CI4. Many years have passed since that, and Gameplay doesn’t changed. Yes, people like that old gameplay, but how much?? How many years they’ll like that?..

I just say… That CI has enough potential to be a bigger game. Have you ever played Resogun? (An old PS4 game). That game had a 2.5D gameplay. In 2013. Just look at that… I know that CI is NOT Resogun, but you can increase 3D game and quality like that! You say iA is just one developer… yes but why? When this game is full of potential, why just one developer… Why iA must be undeveloped… in fact i am speaking to @InterAction_studios , i mean that think bigger. Develop CIU more & more. Your studio has a big and full of potential game. Why letting everything to be small and developing slowly.
Think bigger because IA & CI worth it to be bigger.
Just it.
Sorry for bad english.
Don’t controversy more with me about that. It’s just suggestion because i love IA & CI. Im 20. So don’t think there is a child here…
Hope you change your mind
Or at least, Pay little attention to my words.


You are doing more bad than good.

Even if that is not your intent, it is the effect.

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And at least have a proofreader for such serious posts if possible. It’s likely that someone can misunderstand your words otherwise.


Yeah it’s your opinion dude. Keep it for yourself.

I’m pretty sure it’s not just my opinion and I don’t have to keep it for myself.


I got tired.

  • For Farhankhosravi’s point
  • Other points

0 voters

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Why making vote, etc…
I just posted my suggestions
It’s only up to IA ! that’s the game maker, not you, not me, not everyone else…
This is finished.

To end this:
I don’t know what are you thinking but this is the game. Players play game, players suggest ideas which they want to see in game. One person can’t decide what most of players want to see in game. Developer works to make the game better. In his interests to make it better. Not only because of money, but to get respect from players. If developer comes respected, players will help him in unpredictable situation. Will send him ideas. Will send him possible solutions of existing errors. Will spend tons of time to find out if something works fine. You can’t make suggestions only to developer. If you make suggestion — you make players to criticize, discuss your idea. Then, if players came to conclusion, developer comes to discuss implementation, possibility of adding it. Only developer can decide what to do or not to do because only he has access to game’s source, only he can make fans believe in him and every decision he makes he needs to discuss with players and himself for some time before doing anything to find all pros and cons.
Congratulations, the second person on the whole forum who pissed me off.


Hi @Farhankhosravi, and thanks for your feedback. You make some valid points, and I will take them into consideration. The game is indeed not progressing as fast as I’d like and there are many reasons for this:

  • I work alone. Although I’ve tried hiring more people in the past to help out, I still don’t have someone who I feel can do justice to my vision for CIU.
  • There’s a lot of work that must be performed which is simply not ‘visible’ to players. I design the cloud architecture, the servers, the databases, the networking protocol, the UVE graphics engine, the arcade game layer, the MMO game layer, the billing (IAP) system. I also design new content, do 3D modelling, texturing, rendering, programming, sound effects. And then there’s also the work involved in porting to Steam/Mac/Linux/iOS/Android/Win10. And eventually there’ll be website design, promotion/marketing and social/community management to deal with.
  • There is a very real time and effort cost involved every time I switch from one of these things to another. It takes time to remember what I did last time, and to ramp up efficiency. Sometimes there’s no inspiration, and other times there’s just indecision. After a while, fatigue and burnout set in.
  • The rest of life has its own demands, whether it’s health or other unpleasant issues.

So, yes, the game is currently not what I’d ideally like it to be, but I regret that it’s the best I can do.

To answer your particular questions:

  1. No idea, nothing has changed in the game.
  2. Fixing this is on my list, but the (technical) reasons behind this are more complicated than what you’d think.
  3. Size is not a measure of quality. I like to keep things small because (i) I like efficiency (ii) they have reduced bandwidth costs for me (iii) they are faster to download for players (iv) they help A LOT with smartphones and other mobile platforms. BTW, the textures are uncompressed and are at full resolution. The only way to increase the game size would be to add more content.
  4. CI3/4/5 data shows that multiplayer is in fact not as popular as you might think. And making CIU multiplayer is technically complex and would have high costs for me, as explained elsewhere.
  5. You mean, you want more waiting? :stuck_out_tongue:

UVE works with 2D, and I think it should be like that forever.

I don’t understand what is this poll about.

I thought the game was 344 MB?