Collection of ideas liked by InterAction Studios

Exactly why I decided to stop making Geometry Dash videos and tried to isolate myself from the community as much as possible. Sometimes it’s just not worth having to deal with some people.

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It was a reference to Infocom games. Way back when.,105

Funs ruin everything

Some games like Undertale are divinized by fans

Fortnite comunity allow only proplayer-gods-architets that complains on all of the things that aren’t “bring this back!!!” And things like “my skin is no more OG!! :sob:” are flooding the subreddit

Youtube Minecraft is destroyed by youtubers that (for wewes) sold them to make childish videos

The Henterprise was really near to win

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Hmm. Last 2 topics I made turned completely off-topic ways.


You miss that one

woohoo, I got of 2 my ideas on the list. Not sure if IA is interested in the Medal idea or the Research Lab idea, or both

I didn’t miss it. IA didn’t like your post.

Press F to pay respect.

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Sorry… my fault

This one has a like on itself.

I can help translate into Persian


Would you also translate the war?

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Ok, that was funny before.

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I’m a giraffe

add ci6

A wagon and a lot of planes

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