CIU's League Challenge - Phase 2

@Bigmos49216 :white_check_mark:

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A challenge for @Desea

Finish my upcoming dare match that I’ll be sending to you

-use bomber
-use utensil poker firepower startng at firepower 0 (you can collect firepower atoms, but not weapon gifts)
-avoid dying and overheating



Good Survive, @Ardhane271

The next challenge will getting harder than this, and it’s came from UHF’s Headquarter.
Keep looking in the future, Ardhane271

Here’s your reward


I got your challenge, @Arnav

I use Corn Shotgun with :zap:0 before I enter the session.

And it’s done.

That was a second time to claim unprepared medal since the first time of participate in CIU.

You need to dare me one more time, Arnav, to promoted your rank into official rank “Challenger”. But I will prepare for serious challenge to you first, to prove your capable that you’re not a recruit anymore.

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This serious challenge for Arnav to prove his creative of challenge for advanced to the next rank. So, I will prepare from your challenge again if this one is another unprepared.

Challenge : Create your challenge rule by your choices and try not to lost any dare points in friendly match

:warning: Warning : You need to create your story by yourself at least 3 paragraphs to prove your creative of challenge, or otherwise you must to wait for the next serious challenge incoming again in the future.

Recommended : Use everything you see from previous post in this phase 2 and my old CLC’s Phase 1 to create an exclusive story by your own.

Do your best to earn this rank “Challenger” for the first time and tell to your friend that you’re not in this rank “Recruit” anymore.

Good Luck, @Arnav

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i see that you have collected 7 FP
i mostly said that firepower limits of it


Attention Please
This is a short news of CLC

After some recruit has been promoted into rank “Challenger”, I think I will updated the first topic by create “Role for Each Rank in CLC” to know about your rule which you in current rank.

Each role from each rank will different and cannot do together. You need to keep stay focus for your own rank by following the rule, or otherwise you will get demoted into low rank.

Check it out here on the first post :point_right: Role for Each Rank in CLC

Remember this important message :
The more higher rank you earn, the more difficult and rules will challenge your capable too.

Thank you for patience and understanding

President, Owner of CLC and Committee of CC

#CC-S1 #ChattingPlace


I think I failed cause I didn’t know if firepower is going higher than this.
:medal_sports: Challenge Failed


That’s a nice run!! Congratulations!!
You were hereby awarded with this :medal_sports:


I am truly sorry about that :frowning:

Thank you for this promotion! I won’t let you down!

I hereby will obey by the rules of the challenger rank


@Desea please send your callsign name to me for added my contact, and I will prepare a challenge for you to promoted your rank as newbie into “Recruit”.

Here’s for a new updated for your rule, @Chimmo.
:point_right: Role for Each Rank in CLC


Don’t forget to add Desea’s callsign to me for prepare some serious challenge to promoted his rank.

Keep going for dare someone as newbie to make in CLC getting more excited. I’m impressed to your work, @ThisIsChristianF : Senior Challenger of CLC.


my callsign is Desea™


Your request has been sent, Desea. Please received my request to be one of my contact.

As you were challenged by christian_f : Senior Challenger of CLC and completed his challenge, you will get promoted from owner of CLC to “Recruit” for the first time.

But to do that, you need to prove your skills, tactical and capable to complete my challenge first to promoted you into official rank “Recruit”.

Do you want to claim this rank “Recruit” for the first time? Prove it

Challenge : Complete the dare match in darkness section with your favorite weapon and without equipped any satellites

:warning: Warning : This challenge is a dare match, not a friendly match.

Prove yourself to gain your skills, tactical and capable from this challenge and claim to promoted your rank.

Good Luck, @Desea

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Got it. So basically I can give a challenge to anyone from “Recruit” but not anyone with a rank higher than mine?


Yes, you can send your challenge to anyone from “Recruit” but cannot send a challenge to all higher rank (“Senior Challenger” or higher).

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Long time no seen to this recruit (blue_ocean) after his challenge topic has been offline like my old topic as well. Let’s see his capable getting back to his personal as a previous moment of phase 1.

Challenge : Survive from comet section by avoid them and without equip any special abilities

:warning: Warning : This challenge will count as failed immediately if you open fire your weapon more than 10 times in overall of each wave (boss wave doesn’t count).

Good Luck and Welcome Back, @Star_Light


Don’t forget to take your screenshot of results as proof for confirmation of each challenge, @Star_Light. If you didn’t send a proof to me, will count as failed this challenge entirely even though you complete my friendly match.


Alright I got it! Thanks @Bigmos49216