CIU version 146

Good one.

unoriginality penalty

how about golden suns :skull:

Why is there no verification of the entered E-mail?
or at least “copy and paste” the E-mail from pc to the game

The easiest way to verify that you have entered the correct email is to press the “Link Account” button on another device. If you didn’t get the message with the PIN, it’s likely that you have made a typo when changing your email for your game account. On your first device, you can change your email linked to your game account as much as you need to anytime.

There’s also another method that involves taking away access to save data from the game after backing it up, but that requires a PC. PM me for instructions.

@InterAction_studios What is this


The game resolutions are abit lower during Window mode


Then it goes back to normal after i changed the window size



I’m reposting the second screenshot here because you tried to share it from Discord. Please avoid doing that because links to attachments uploaded there will expire, therefore said attachments will not be accessible.

Irrelevant. :roll_eyes:

This is a topic for anyone who want to report a bug or suggest an idea, not a chatting place.

What was iA doing during this time? Bringing back the Episode Mission or creating the mommy chicken boss?

Probably this.

randomly discovered this (in singleplayer)

This is not the first time this occurred, it happened with balloon chickens (on my phone) and without pausing the game.

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I need to add letter the number of the player’s color set

what for?

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to distinguish the number of theme colors

Hello, my question is this: When will the CIU v147 beta be released?

Patience is :old_key:.

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when will IA debut new waves everyone?

who knows

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@InterAction_studios I found this player
his name is inappropriate (This name has a bad meaning)