CIU version 146 BETA

I have reported this once time. But now, i’ll remind it once again.
The “Military Chicken” boss should wear something suitable to the summer vacation, not an army clothes like this. You can try to use the tank top, you know mostly people wear this when the weather in our life is hot.

A small bug: If the feathers (summer edition) are destroyed by the bomb, the animation light (i don’t what should i call, i left the image in here so you can understand), should be another color, not the white color.

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Summer colors are blue and cyan, which is pretty much the same as the default.

I know you see red/yellow/orange as “hot”, but these are autumn colors.

I’m changing it to blue.

Fixed in v.146.4 :medal_sports: Bug

Changed in v.146.4 :medal_sports: Idea

Fixed in v.146.4 :medal_sports: Bug

I don’t remember exactly, but I think they are just cartoon grunts. Not actual words.

Special Force chicken is very serious, it never takes vacations.


The ocean is just off-camera :innocent:


I’m trying to decide which dates will use the Summer edition by default.

Which of these periods would you consider the “most summery?”

  • 1-15 June
  • 16-30 June
  • 1-15 July
  • 16-31 July
  • 1-15 August
  • 16-31 August
0 voters

I mean you could still make the yellow and orange and cyan as a part of that instead of turning it into default again.

You can think of something in between those two right here also ignore the red color which is supposed to be orange. @InterAction_studios.

I know that the Chickenaut is themed in summer edition. But it’s seem to me that it’s too hard to see the different. Its red light isn’t enough shine to know that it has been themed

sand on his costume

I can’t see it, by some reason.

For the Ninja Chick and Asassin Chick, i think iA put wrong the breathing tube in 2 sides. In original, we already know that the Ninja Chick by its right side, while the Asassin Chick by its left side. In the summer edition, the position of the breathing tube has been put in wrong place.


In Comet Chase, the color of the “Pineapple” still haven’t changed their color in Hot and Frozen Enviroment.


yes, it’s my idea

Haven’t you read carefully? Who asked you that?

It’ll affected to CI5U Chapter 4 diver chick texture.

i also asked you to reskin the big chicken

also can the ci4u droids have varying cuisines just like regular ciu missions

If you turn off music before Military Chicken throws the grenades you can hear him grunt out, “Hiroshima” I always thought that was kind of cool.

I say all of July

Damn it does🤣

Something i found from CIxU
This image is a cutscene before chapter 10, when the “hot beach ball” hit the player, it isn’t seperated like how the hot asteroid do in the default season.

In Comet Chase chapter (CI3U), when a “pineapple” is destroyed, it isn’t use the green light like in CIU mission.

(i’ll will check CI4U and CI5U later if possible, due to my study time)


Sorry about the chicken boss :disappointed_relieved:

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not your fault

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So, you took up with my idea :slight_smile:

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Eggs not reskinned in Summer Edition