CIU version 146 BETA

This is a photo taken above ocean water. Can’t be a background for outer space.

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During the rainy season, the treasure can be changed into seashells in the summer

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Are you talking about the chest in wave “Treasure Showers”? No, the chest has been changed into Ice cream.


Speaking about the Treasure Chest, is it too weird when a value thing like the chest was changed into a food type (not a special value thing) like ice cream? This haven’t been happened in other season content.


I know I put it as an idea but it won’t use let IA just edit it

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i agree, i think it should be changed to seashells

Should iA change the ice-creams in “Treasure Shower”?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
If yes, then what it should be?
  • Seashells
  • Oysters
0 voters

It should look like this:-




poll it

Ice cream is valuable in summer. Ice cream cools us off from the heat.

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I think it should be oysters (since it generates natural pearls which I guess should be as valuable as dropped coins)

Seems like we need to update the poll.

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Also I think the sun should use hot color palettes like orange + yellow, instead of just blue.


yes I just readjusted the color of the whole screenshot, the use of colors is your choice

Edited, and it looks better now.


A red sun in summer?

should’ve been orange, but yeah i’m a noob at photoshop-ing so unfortunately I cant adjust it separately

It’s not mean a value thing of a content. It’s about how is it realistic. You can spend a little money to buy an ice cream for you, but which things you can’t even take it easily? And this… is the really value thing, which you have to explore it in the ocean:

that is not quite right. the only place with red sun must be

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Ok I’m updating the poll, 1 minute.


Fair point. Oysters will do.

@InterAction_studios Shall coins in Summer Edition would be “pearls”? I think that fits


Uhm, yeah, not good at photoshopping but take a look

this bug isn’t in known bugs and new features