CIU version 143


On the face of it, this is a minor maintenance release. Behind the scenes, however, this version includes preliminary groundwork for the (tentatively-named) “Galactic Entertainment Network” (GEN), a way to collect and organize recordings of the “best” missions from each day, compile them in a “highlight reel” video, and broadcast them across the galaxy (well, on YouTube at least).

Details have not been finalized yet (e.g., which missions will be eligible for recording, the criteria for “best”, the number and frequency of video postings, any rewards, etc.). The intention is to be able to eventually watch some fun and entertaining mission snapshots (e.g., “epic” waves, skillful dodging, near-death experiences) and side-by-side comparisons of certain competitive missions (e.g., quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals of Galactic Cup).

Another small but important change is that “Key Rush” missions are now considered "completed” even if they are surrendered/lost (so that 100% completion remains possible). To support this change, all Key Rush mission histories that were either lost or surrendered have been deleted in v.143.2 so that they can now be flown again.

Bug/Idea medals will be awarded later in the day. Note that your medal cannot be awarded if your in-game callsign doesn’t match your forum name (put it in your forum profile where it says “name” so I can find it).


You will lose:

  • any mid-mission progress
  • your language selection
  • your seasonal content setting


:new: New features – :bulb: Tweaks – :bug: Bug fixes – :gear: Internal changes

  • :gear: Deleted users who haven’t logged in during the past week and have less than 10 minutes of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the past 4 weeks and have less than an hour of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the last 12 months and haven’t set an e-mail. Note that users with any purchase are never deleted.

v.143.1 (BETA only)

  • :gear: iOS: recv() now handles ENOTCONN gracefully (only occurs on iOS, but applied to all platforms)

  • :gear: CI4 font: Added extended Latin/Cyrillic/Vietnamese character sets (@VerMishelb :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :gear: Fixed certain text becoming blurry due to placement at fractional coordinates (Packable was incorrectly using quad soup width, now uses getTextDimensionsFinal instead) (@VerMishelb :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Squadrons screen: Player-owned squadrons are now sorted at the top (@SA-GoldenBoss128 :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Compare screen/ “Fleets” tab: Fleet size is now shown (@lehungaikatsu2k3 :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Unoriginality penalty starts being applied to competitive missions at the 10th repetition (was 15th) (@damhaiyen :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: “Chicken Burger”,“Elevator Action”, “Treble Trouble”, “Three strikes and you’re out!” waves: Reduced chance of appearance of ‘hard’ enemies in low difficulties (@RoboCat :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: Multiplayer: Local spacecraft position is now properly interpolated smoothly (i.e., is now sampled at local player’s full frame rate rather than netTickRate) (@Error_Bonnie :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :new: Galactic Store: Added “Huge Fuel Pack” (@Starbrockle :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Anti-autoclicker: Spacecraft firing rate is now throttled (will jam if >10Hz)

  • :bulb: Weapon Virtuosity: A weapon now needs to be actually used (cause damage) in order to be taken into account (@damhaiyen @OneWingLunarian :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: CI2/CI3: Added tutorial (fly/fire) on first wave.

  • :bug: Fixed crash when joining multiplayer (caused by incorrectly serialized data sent by ΜΜΟ server) (in-game:@Lyohans :medal_sports: Bug)

v.143.2 (BETA only)

  • :gear: A lot of internal changes related to mission recording/playback.

  • :bug: “Key Rush” missions are now considered “completed” even if they are surrendered/lost (so that 100% completion remains possible). To support this change, all Key Rush mission histories that were either lost or surrendered have been deleted in v.143.2 so that they can now be flown again. (@MakineliMuhendis @Starbrockle :medal_sports: Bug)


  • :bug: CI3 Xmas: “Meanwhile 1” cutscene: Fixed saucer (Santa sleigh) frame looping (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: “Win 2” cutscene: Now properly fades out at the end (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :gear: Server: More accurate bandwidth stats.

  • :gear: netTickRate is now limited to 60fps.

v.143.3.1 (server-side only)

  • :bug: Fixed server crash when starting League match (attacking side).

  • :bulb: Squadrons: Missions can no longer be assigned if they were last flown more than 24 hours ago (@Lacee :medal_sports: Idea)


i have an idea for finding legendary rare and common items:just add purple dot on star systems that have heroware this dot means there s at least a legendary or rare or common item there if you want for ships add pink dot what do you think
we can make it half dot if theres ships and rectors and others pink for ships and purple for rectors and others

  • good
  • bad
0 voters
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what’s the point of the rarity if they are too easy to find except tracking doc

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they are easy? huh how maybe there isnt a rare ship in a heroware its not just reactors they can be found every where or what if 3 dots for legendary items 2 rare and 1 common even i saw most people just serching for legendary

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because legendary is the best, people would prefer it


ok but this is a help to find it easier i dint want the reson of legendry is good

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even if it was easy then in a discord server noone wont ask i want to find m404 legendary

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How about adding that dot AFTER we detect that one heroware so we can find it when we need it?

Another future I wanna ask and hopefully will put in consideration: how about a tool that let us input cords manually? Like it’s kinda of a struggle to manually zoom in and out and move around the galaxy to find that one place that you need the most, that will be helpful


this is good yes

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It seems like you are very “bloodthirsty” with the idea medals, huh?

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How many about this poll too much 25 yeah so on.

Bruh you just basically say you want to take IAs place and add things you like, which gonna make the game look like a mod APK so no.

you thought this is for medals im bloodthirsty for a medal that even dont give score you made me sad with these words i want to help this game to be better im trying to do this but you saying you want a medal this is really unfair you talking like this

you know what its better i dont say any ideas then people think im doing this for medal damn why i even joined here it seems you a jealous guy even why my ideas are poor why people dont agree too much you completly destroyed my heart

If you “really” want a medal (or not), you should actually put some effort onto your ideas, think about how they would effect the game and its players instead of suggesting what comes to mind.


i thought alot so only that exhaust worked but others failed so i dont have anymore ideas

I agree on the “more customizations for exhausts”, while most ideas of yours aren’t even close to mid-effort.


well i always get my ideas too fast idk how im reciving well now i got an idea for changing chl badge if you want i tell :joy: but i think this badge should be changed in this 5 years oh yeah another one

i really want to tell them ill now

I think there should be achievements added to the game that display on steam, also steam badge up to level 5. iA would make more if he released it

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