CIU version 143 BETA

in my opinion there should be a toggleable option for GEN, not everyone wants their competitive gameplays leaked due to some hidden strategies being used during the mission to score higher, if everyone knows how to score then it’s not competitive anymore

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Well that certainly is a feature that I didn’t expect to come first at this time.

Well, replays in games are old thing already. Oldest example for me personally being Worms Armageddon with replay files that you can send to other people. But the global youtube TV might be interesting.

No, no no. Either all or nobody. Don’t act like there’s some mystical plays that only selected few know. And even if, then it’s a good thing because others might improve some unknown strategy to be way better.
Take a look at the speedrunning community. Once somebody discovers something others can use it to improve their runs further. And then discover another new strategy. And the loop continues so it constantly improves the time.

Good example with allowing people to view replays in game is SEUM Speedrunners from hell. There are 3 ways to finish a level:
1 - below the required time = game over
2 - silver grade = passed the level
3 - golden grade = you unlock top 10 replays from the world and you can see some crazy strategies to use.


Multiplayer games don’t work.

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Fixed (server-side) :medal_sports: Bug


The medal goes to in-game callsign “Lyohans”, he is the one who found it.

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interesting change =)



note that the difficulty is 79% (+40%):
2024-02-18 (2)



i am pretty sure those speedrunners are forced to show their strategy because usually to verify those runs you gotta stream/record them

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Yes, and it’s fair this way. Any good reasons for allowing CIU players to hide how they play? Even just for the developer it would be useful so IA can check if somebody doesn’t use some unknown cheats/exploits.


‘competitive’ bro, no one wants their strategy leaked. you mentioned speedrunners showing their strategies for people but didn’t include that some people also gatekeep strats in other competitive games to maintain the top position.
the developer also has his own way to check whether someone is cheating, no need for the public gameplay to figure that out

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If they can’t win with their strategy being leaked, they need to play better. Isn’t that so? Competitive would become more competitive than it is.

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and nobody wants to lose in competitive, do they? they do everything to win. no one would be as silly as leaking how they play to make themselves lose. if people are good enough for winning competitive then they should be able to figure the strategies out themselves and not having to rely on other people for ideas.

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If they have to go for videos other players post, they won’t be able to get even close to what the said players achieve with the same strategy. It’s not a danger, as strategies worth nothing without skill and practice.

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“virtuosity boost”

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…which is fixed since about today.

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or is it? :slight_smile:

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anyway my point was that such overpowered strategies, if shown to people, could easily make them beat even the top players. one example was rulinh in cup #37, who managed to beat francis despite being pretty average at scoring back then

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@InterAction_studios is there a way to do like tunneling in CIU multiplayer? I know VPN is a thing but you can’t maintain the latency, on tunneling pretty sure you can just set wherever it should locate


I’m out of the loop, how come there are testing Universe versions of all the previous games now, and what is the point of them?

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also CI4/CI5 were added too.

Am I right?

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