CIU version 140 BETA

Is CIU in general compatible with Windows XP?
Yes i still use this system and my CD drive is dead+my internet is sucks and slow which means i can’t get Windows 7 or 10 to play CIU :frowning:

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same too

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No, it’s not anymore. Ilfireli last tried some hacks, but don’t know how it ended.

Have any 8GB USB memory stick?
Though if the computer came with Windows XP it may not necessarily handle newer systems well. There was a major change with drivers in Vista.

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it will be added,dont worry

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After playing this and basically analyzing everything (not really), I have a LOT of things to talk about (most of these things may not be bugs because I haven’t played CI3 in about 3 years.)

1- The “As we rejoin our story” text, I think it’s missing three dots (As we rejoin our story… (at least from memory)).

2- In some texts, there are words that are red (only on Christmas, yellow on regular CI3U). Usually, they’re just white. It’s not a bug, nevermind.

3- When the narrator says “And here’s the welcoming committee!”, the big chicken doesn’t come out of the Yolk-Star.

4- In the “Prologue” wave, the music starts playing when it says “Prologue”, while in the original it begins when the “Show em who’s boss!” text appears, speaking of “Show em who’s boss!”, there’s no screen shake and chicken cry sound effect when it appears.

5- This is more of a question, but on Earth, why is Greenland so big?

6- Maybe it’s because of my performance, but you don’t get the “Career medals awarded” bonus after defeating the big chicken.

7- I had power 10 lightning on wave 1, which doesn’t happen in CI3.

8- No coins dropping on wave 5. (RNG I guess)

9- When waves 7, 34, and other similar waves are about 95% completed, there’s a slight delay to the last chickens appearing.

10- The “Unidentified Chicken Object” text should be at the bottom of the screen (wave 10).

11- Whenever the Yolk-Star destroys the UFO, it has the Universe (realistically CI4) player death sound effect, while it originally had the CI3 player death sound effect.

12- Wave names do not have CI3 text animations. (this could be false)

13- Mysterious Ship has 5 lasers, while it originally had 4.

14- Unnecessary safe zones on “The chicken “wave””.

15- Like I said about Mysterious Ship, but for Yolk-Star.

16- Yolk-Star originally had 4 phases instead of 3.

Most of these may be reported before I did, I didn’t read everything.

It had 4 on rookie, though

not sure about the exact difficulty needed for 5 lasers

probably because it’s wave 0, and you shouldn’t be having more medals than you should

Chickens in Pop 'till they drop! (all variants) had a different movement pattern that did not oscillate as much

Chickens in Double Trouble (all variants) would fly in from the sides instead of from above

Chickens in Chicken Geometry (all variants) are supposed to fly in quickly similarly to how they work on “Right Angles”

I noticed that the brighter pink shirts in waves like Chicken Geometry got replaced with the new brown shirt that appears on chapter 9

Comet Chase spawns more comets in general, for example the first wave has 25 comets instead of 20

Feels like chickens in Reinforcements move slower than they used to

UCO 3 lost the laser on some difficulties

Boss chickens in Attack of the Clones! are much larger than they were originally

Ship engine smoke spawns in the middle of the screen when the ship arrives in the final cutscene

It’s redundant in CIU but it would be nice if the checkered chickens (to indicate they hold coins) could come back in earlier waves, similarly wondering if the bronze/silver coins could return

Edition related nitpicks:

CI3 Easter had its own patterned eggs as well as a different reskin for regular and boss chickens

The cutscenes in CI3 Xmas used the regular CI3 theme

Because “Chicken Square Dancing” wave name same as “Square Dancing” of CI4 wave, so it must need to change wave name.

Do not change it if it may affect the “Treasure Shower” CIU wave.

I don’t want delicate CI Episodes-style Vulcan Chaingun. CI4U and CI5U still can use Vulcan Chaingun in CIU.

Don’t need add danger zone if Mysterious Ship boss has show warning beam before it firing.

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I think you should reply all in a post, instead of per post.

I tried Vista and it has issues i need at least win 7 to let it work well but again i have a slow internet that will crash every large file i download so im literally stuck on a CIU mobile and OG CI games in my pc :frowning:

  1. keep win7
  2. download from phone then put it in your pc
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There aren’t any new issues with CI4U and CI5U, but I noticed that there are some cases of enemies disappearing before fully going off screen in CI5U: chick square in wave 32, chickens at the end of wave 34, chicks in wave 52, chicks in wave 54 (particularly noticeable), first ufo in wave 55, first pilot chicken and crystals at the end of wave 57

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guys already reported again keeping your mind it. same as to me.


No again from at all on VGA Engine latest.

not necessary! checkered stripes are paintable in wave 118 for example color: red and white or grey and white,etc… (no black and white).

If i were you, i wouldn’t remind anything about this. When an Episode mission is released in Beta version, there are many bugs/different things from CI3 original game, which everyone can’t notice exactly who suggested or reported it before. So just ignore this, myself don’t care how many medals that i collect from Forum, i just want to see something is mostly perfect (no bugs + balance)

You scared? :smirk:

they shoot eggs can original just ignore from shoot balloon chickens in ci3u. but are you scared knightcap! thanks reply from starbrockle at idea early access since year ago.

I know can tell iA secret on his reply me from reported on 11:45 PM or 12:41 AM 11/1/2023.

i callsign is secret is unknown im no medals at all

Well… I already suggested that a while back then.

But then IA quoted:

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My mean is the Balloon Chicken in CI3U, not in CIU
Also, let the Balloon Chicken attack by spawning the eggs in CIU variant will cause a lot of “hell” wave, they already be annoying because of their strong health.

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CIU or CI3U, they won’t drop eggs.

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Is everyone suggesting about Prologue before next beginning chapter 1, tell me?

  • Starting Prologue, music boss appeared too earlier
  • Show’ em who’s boss! - missing “chickbosscry”
  • After defeating boss, no dropping “firepower”
  • “Outstanding!” Stage clear - should be staying (not like “prepare for wrap” phase)

@InterAction_studios here suggests

Note: I just found out when ppl are playing CI3U, I didn’t have PC to play.

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