CIU version 139 BETA

Skill Issue.

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Well, take a look at this.

And here’s the width of each road I mention.

Also, I need to tell you that difficulty in Chapter 4 are 25,83%-33% ; Chapter 6 are 42,5%-50% ; Chapter 8 are 59,16%-66%.



Conclusion: Making the game harder isn’t a big problem with me - in fact I’m very ready.
But if something that breaks the game difficulty rule like that, I’m not satisfied - it definitely needs to be changed.

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what rule exactly does that break

Do you want this to change as suggestion?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

this will be the last decision, do not make anymore change of it after this poll cuz it has been tweaked a lot already


The rule that I’m mentioned here is the mission based difficulty - 0%-100%.
Which means that mission will be started very easy first, then become progressively harder.

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linear difficulty is no fun, a difficulty spike is well designed
also it’s not a rule it’s something you made up

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Acknowledged, but too messy to fix.

Changed in v.139.6 :medal_sports: Idea

That’s already a thing?.. but it’s broken, apparently. Fixed in v.139.6 :medal_sports: Bug

Also, the stand-alone CI5/4/3/2 will use their appropriate fonts, if anyone is wondering.

Hm, It seems the BETA server is using some stale prices. Ban removed, server updated.

Meh, allowed.



Replacing “floor” with “landscape” would still make more sense.

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@InterAction_studios The CI4U System clear music doesn’t play completely at the end when “Pro-gamer mode” is On.

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That was already reported.


Can confirm. Tried it only once, worked for me. If someone can’t pass through, it officially is skill issue.

(Is that your real voice in the video?)

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That’s why I always die
Big boi

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lol that’s not how hitbox work

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BETA server is off-line

BETA server is on-line


This one is kind of a nitpick, but I think the ship rotation animations should ease in and out in CI4 cutscenes.

  • I agree
  • I disagree
0 voters

What do you mean? 360 degree sprites of the ship?
I don’t think that interaction will make it because he made ci5 and ciu ships without 360 version to reduce the amount of textures needed because there were a lots
If he made it he will have to make for all ships with paint jobs and exhausts (i think)
Which means it needs high effort
Also will make the size of the game larger (i don’t know if that will make the game heavier)
Not bad idea but it will require very high effort

what i said is what i think

i don’t think that the rocks have hitboxes
you can pass through them

Went and played ci5 (not ci5u) and i can confirm that they don’t have hitboxes
You can safely hide behind some of them
Except gamma cthon (i mean the ones in your post)

in CI5U,
in Epsilon Thalassus (Artifact Recovery Mission), boulders (rocks) are changed to be collidable.

so does it mean CI5U is done to completion or just temporary removed?