CIU version 136 BETA


Taking BETA server off-line for 10 minutes.

Back on-line now.


Well uh… I have a simple but probabaly a useless idea, How about we mirror the satellites at the left side or according to the position they are set in?


Screenshot (563)


Also if their image while released from containers is a concern, then we can probabaly add a mirror animation to them when equipped.


Thank you RainbowBoy!


Taking BETA server off-line for today.


that was support to be sarcasm ._.


v136.3 is now available

Download link has been updated in original post. Changelog here: Known bugs & new features

The BETA server is now on-line.


Can you reduce the shake when it does the slap attack? for pro-mode only

Idea for boss zoom out
Burgermeister 3000 zoom out +10%, just like the zoom out from Double Team one
1 - Boss size too big
2 - Part Vaccum chickens machine + throwing technique chickens roast + spawning chicken at down middle because maybe too narrow and make BX really hard to avoid from throwing chicken roast

Except the Flamethrower, u can avoid from fire but the middle should be hard if u equip the BX with legendary, Idk about Regular BX possible to stay inside
Indeed, I just put here for some idea and explaining a reason

How do you think about this new boss?

  • It’s easy
  • It’s hard enough
  • It’s too hard

0 voters

hard for BX users, i will rate it difficulty 9/10

No, the shake isn’t just something cosmetic – it’s part of the attack.


Also, during slap attack, there’s no other threat that can harm you (expert for the falling bread)


Taking BETA server off-line.


Should the boss’ eye be the secondary enemy? Secondary enemies are not count on the progress bar, and since you don’t need to destroy its eyes to defeat the boss.

If you don’t mind about destroying it, there’s no problem with it. Nvm let’s see.

Hmm… I originally had it like that, but I wanted the eyes to award points gradually (as they’re being damaged) and I mistakenly thought that secondary enemies can’t do that.

But now I see that they can. So… changed in v.136.4 :medal_sports: Idea


until the beta is done, that’s what beta is supposed to be, to test the new version before releasing
as for this:

this is again, what beta is supposed to be, so submit ideas or bugs still makes sense



for changing, tweaking, modifying, and more.
Beta server aren’t meant for being always active, what do you expect?

What did he say that was wrong?