CIU version 135

Umm…? Where am i ?
Where’s my Callsign is :crown:Captain:Tom :gem:§ G:YT ?

there was a server rollback happens on may the 8th.

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Expected. That’s because the left one is outside the screen (and hence ignored), and the right one is angled slightly towards the ‘outside’ and therefore misses the Yolk’s hitbox (which is smaller than its on-screen appearance)


i accidentally double clicked on the skill difficulty on a daily mission. should i wait for tomorrow and try again for the leaderboard?
edit: nvm im stupid it still counts towards the final score

You can’t use skills in daily mission by default

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@InterAction_studios about the mission outcome:

can you add the “Mission Type”?

Like:chicken invaders/boss rush/squawk block/key rush…etc.

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just check your recent missions

plus, the key base multiplier already gives a pretty good idea on what mission type was played



IA? you forget my callsign CIU is→ :crown:Captain:Tom: §:gem:G:YT!

if you didn’t do anything much before the server rollback, you won’t be getting compensated
also that’s not the credits list so stop bragging please


You don’t need to mention about one thing twice. Beside, this table only cover a period time, so if you don’t find your callsign, that will be split into 2 cases:

  1. Your account is affected but out of time range of the table
  2. Your account is affected but nothing changed (ex: your amount of keys, foods are still intact during galaxy collapse).

And this is not a credit list, stop.

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I still don’t have ad. Is this because of my region?



It appear ads from the morning to night (it’s only my region).

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There’s an empty space that should be filled with text I think?

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“password-protected” is considered one word and the rest is spaced out using width of the textbox (like the 4th mode in Word).

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Well, this could be a “no fill” situation (where no ads are available to show)

It could also be potentially related to your region. You haven’t ever seen an ad? Not even once?

Full justification. The game uses spaces as word separators. A general-purpose hyphenator would be overkill.


In Russia, you don’t choose ad, ad chooses you!

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In Morocco too

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i have an idea
can everyone banned have a hammer icon after his name?