Ban Modding CIU or not?

So far I haven’t seen someone getting banned for cosmetically modding their client

He could just detect the change of CIU.dat.222x .

What? What does the game genre have to do with modding?
Behold, the most famous MMO in the world having mods: World of Warcraft Nexus - Mods and Community

You do know that it is possible to check the hashes of files? In fact it was even suggested by the OP before.

Because IA generally “doesn’t have problems with mods” so he wasn’t banning for them yet.

I mean the limitations is how it must not give advantage, especially when this game has competition.

u mean im selfish?

to be honest, you kind of are

you couldn’t get iamt, and now you’re going to try and ban modding for everyone


although i cant but at future i can, like other games when be popular then some hacker will trying to decrypt game file to modify it and then UHF will have a new dangerous enemy than the chicken empire.
I will ignore any words u and everyone said to me and waiting the future of this game.

game files are encrypted so there’s no way some random people will decides to decrypt the game file

then tell me some popular game that got decompiled

I only remember that classic windows pinball had been decompiled.
Other than that, no much thing to said.

you are underestimating the power of hackers

and you don’t know the anti-cheat program exist

I think that some people could analyze memory to knows how the game files could be decrypted. That’s how modding exist.
(But it’s not a simple task, of course.)

are u sure i doesnt notice that ?

Anyways please stop begging about releasing or giving modding tools for you, please.
People in this forum already said that they will never release or let you know how to fully modding this game.

so why do you think modifier is hacking?

can u comparing the “xxxx Mod Apk v1.0.0” and “Mod CIU”?

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already know, useless words

And if you still want to mod this game, check this page.
There are several things that anyone here can mod.

then why do you keep begging
please stop

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most useless words i have seen