About the current state of spacecraft in the game

how does it work

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Great idea though since now I’m using a spacecraft that helps me collect food and coins easier. So probably I might agree on your ship rebalancing. Müller is also good for certain reasons

Another issue I’d like to bring up is the price range the Muller should be. Currently, I feel that the Muller is overpriced, and still will be after the buffs, because I consider it to be a mid tier ship because it does not give as much of a firepower boost compared to the Bombers. I propose that the price of the Muller M40X series be dropped to around 1.7-2k keys.

What do the rest of you think the price of a Muller should be?


It should be around 2k-2.2k, it should be cheaper than bombers imo. Or maybe twice of the price of the H&C ships


Added a section regarding Müller and BX prices.


Great thing to consider

Tbh the herowares and the galactic store should be reworked entirely


That’s an entire topic on its own


Damn straight bud

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Mullers are too expensive. They don’t perform as well as the H&C’s when it comes to spending those hard earned keys. If top of the line 3 diamond reactors, heatsinks, and thrusters are used with beefed up weapons you can build a pretty good H&C, an expensive one if you have the keys, but I feel it is better to spend the keys here than on a Muller. The BX’s are fine by me though. Be well all…


One of these 3 methods could work:

  1. Every BX-6 will become a BX-7 automatically, the paintjobs will be ported too.
  2. Every BX-6 will simply disappear but the players will receive a full refund for every paintjob customization they’ve done with their BX-6s, other than, of course, refunding the BX-6s’ prices.
  3. Same as 2, but there will be no refund. Instead, iA will create a forum topic, a steam topic, and send an in-game emergency message telling everyone that they should sell their BX-6s.
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Reactors and Overdrive

With engines taken care of, the last spacecraft module that has no direct effect on ship performance in missions is the reactor. We’ve decided that the best way to handle this is to tie reactors to the overdrive system. But first, let’s discuss overdrive one more time.

Currently, there is little reason for the player to not use overdrive in most scenarios, aside from some waves in which enemies are introduced one by one and additional damage or rate of fire is not needed. In most cases, including boss fights, it’s simply a superior method of using the weapon, providing +50% DPS without any meaningful penalty.

Additionally, due to messing with the overheat rate, it clashes with the mechanics of several weapons:

  • Vulcan – overdrive increases the overheat rate, causing it to lose focus faster
  • Boron – overdrive can be used to quickly heat the weapon up for more damage
  • Corn – since the weapon can’t overheat, overdrive could be used indefinitely if enabled (which is the reason why it currently isn’t, and Corn had to be overbuffed for there to be any hope of it being competitive)

On top of that, overdrive is very abusable with coolant canisters, allowing it to be used indefinitely.

For these reasons, we’re again attempting a full rework of the system, moving away from overheat being the main limiting factor behind overdrive.
The new system works as follows:

  • Overdrive no longer affects overheat time.
  • Overdrive’s base duration is equal to 50% of the current weapon’s overheat rate, modified by reactor power (we’re not sure how much of a bonus a max reactor should provide, maybe let’s start with 25%). Each mission starts with overdrive fully charged.
  • Overdrive recharges as the player deals damage with their primary weapon while firing normally. The amount of damage needed to fully recharge varies per power level. The damage boost from Amps is disregarded for this purpose.

The system will likely need to be tweaked a bunch of times in terms of specific values, as well as when overdrive and recharge mode are available (e.g. after full depletion overdrive can only be activated after being refilled at least 50%, or something like that). For now, let’s implement it without such restrictions and see how it goes.

Here’s a table with the recharge values we’ve decided on, based roughly on average weapon performance.


(If implemented, it probably wouldn’t do harm to include these values in the Excel sheet for tweaking)

While this system isn’t perfectly balanced (as different weapons follow different damage progressions, as well as due to other differences in stats), it’s still quite simple and we think it’d work well enough. Instead of overdrive being an alternate, and typically superior, firing mode, it’d become more of a resource that has to be used at the right time.

Overdrive on chargeable weapons

Needless to say, we think that all primary weapons should be able to utilise overdrive in order for them to be balanced. The problem comes with implementing it for chargeable weapons like Absolver Beam. It can be done, the system just needs to have one exception for those weapons.

Currently, the game enables overdrive if it detects a short enough pause between two “start firing” events, and disables it when firing is interrupted. The problem is that in order for a chargeable weapon to shoot, firing (or specifically charging) needs to be interrupted. This means that overdrive would have to be engaged before every shot. For Absolver, this means firing an additional small beam every time, which wastes time (an additional 0.2s, negating a lot of overdrive’s boost) and generates excessive heat.

For chargeable weapons, we can make it so that once overdrive is activated, the game instead checks for the interval between ending the charge and starting a new one (I referred to this in the past as “sustaining”). That way overdrive doesn’t get disabled after each shot, but only if you stop firing/charging for long enough. Overdrive is still activated with a double click, so that the player doesn’t enable it by accident.

We believe that Absolver would benefit from that change greatly, as its slow fire rate holds it back in a lot of situations. Overdrive would lower the full charge time from 1.4s (4x0.35s) to 0.933s (4x0.233s), allowing for shooting charged-up beams much more frequently.

Overdrive on Moron Railgun

We think that the omission of overdrive from Moron Railgun is a rather weird choice. Considering that it’s the starter weapon (that the player will be stuck with until they decide to spend 150 keys on a proper one), it should serve to demonstrate basic features such as this. Its lack of overdrive isn’t directly communicated to the player, and it’s also the reason for a pretty confusing moment in the tutorial mission where the player’s weapon is switched out for Neutron if they didn’t pick up Ion in the previous wave (* tangent below). Therefore, we propose adding overdrive to Moron in a slightly nerfed form.

  • Overdrive is set to 33%, instead of the usual 50% (a smaller, but still easily perceivable increase)
  • Overdrive duration is set to 33% of its overheat time instead of the usual 50% (5.333s duration with its current 16s overheat time)

*While the tutorial mission rework is a topic for another post, it’s worth noting that the current overdrive tutorial falls flat, as even with Neutron’s too-low-to-be-useful fire rate, it’s possible to clear the entire wave without using overdrive as long as the player has at least :zap:2 by that point – we think that Moron with overdrive would demonstrate the point much better.

Naturally, changing the overdrive system to what we propose here and keeping Moron for the overdrive tutorial wave will likely prevent players from getting a clean sweep on it. However, we don’t think this is a problem. If anything it’d allow us to better drive the point of upgrading to a proper weapon (introducing weapons is another aspect of the tutorial mission we’re not happy with, but this tangent has already gone on for long enough, so that’ll be discussed later down the line). Moron is weak, and while its overdrive can help you a bit, it’d be a much better idea to switch to a weapon that can handle streams of enemies on its own, and save overdrive for bigger threats.

That should be it for now. My next post will likely cover balance changes to weapons, and the one after that will be in regards to reworks/overhauls of the Laser Cannon and Absolver Beam, and discussing a potential rework of the Plasma Rifle. Meanwhile, Enhawk is in the process of addressing issues with general economy balances.


I honestly think that Moron is a really bad starting weapon, since it

  • doesn’t have overdrive, thus not having an essential starting mechanic
  • is just unsatisfactory to use overall and feels frustrating, especially for newer players
  • isn’t upgradeable

By having, say, Hypergun as a starter weapon, you have a weapon that is simple enough for a beginner’s weapon, plus it looks and feels satisfying. With that, you have the added benefit of allowing the player to upgrade the weapon instead of buying a weapon. (This actually could be part of the tutorial, since I’ve seen a few lost souls on the Steam forums wondering if weapons could start off at a higher firepower at all. It’d be a pretty good idea for the player’s first purchase in the galaxy to be a weapon upgrade. Just saying).


To be honest, I quite like the idea. Hypergun provides focused fire, deals absolutely acceptable damage, and it has a pretty good overheat rate. Its weapon group is also strong against UFOs (and while they don’t appear a lot at low difficulties, they are relatively tanky enemies), so if you do happen to chance upon one, you’re at an advantage. Pretty much the only thing of significance that Moron does better as a starter weapon is to do with volume of fire, as it starts with two projectiles instead of one. That being said, I think this is quite minor, especially since Hypergun starts off with a strong projectile that can more easily one-shot enemies.

I’d also like to add that I don’t think that the starter weapon needs to have a higher than average damage output at :zap:0 like Moron does currently (or have a limited power progression, for that matter). Hyper is perfectly serviceable at starting firepower with 1.2k.


Poll time

  • Overdrive for Moron Railgun
  • Leave Moron Railgun as it is
  • Replace Moron Railgun with Hypergun

0 voters

Also what do you think of it? Do you think replacing moron with hypergun is a good idea for a starter?

i prefer to moron with increase fire rate like old version

I hear some people can’t figure out that they can upgrade weapons to increase their starting firepower because Moron cannot be upgraded. So allow it to be upgraded only up to 3 instead of 8. Other than that, Moron gets the job done at being throwaway starting equipment.


Technically, Moron has 7 power levels so maybe you should be allowed to upgrade it up to 6

Yeah, but you have 20 fp levels for other weapons, and the can only be upgraded to 8, which means 40% of max power. Moron has seven so three levels makes sense