Early Access version 103

Not now, @Ahmad-chickeninvader there are many fixes, features and bugs, so please wait, we are different from the basic update

a l r e a d y s u g g e s t e d .


Can you just agree that your suggestions will not be accepted by I.A anytime soon because right now the

Plus, you didn’t suggest any idea in full details so that I.A can understand which means you are wasting your time begging for nothing from I.A

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You can always post it here for iA to read later, nothing wrong with this.

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Instead of that, why don’t you use 99keys to buy Appetite Attractors. You knows everyone use them in Competition but you not use them?

Your language was Arabic when this message was created. Certain parts of messages are ‘baked in’ and they don’t change after being created.

In CIU, the width of bottom HUD varies depending on what you have mounted. The text is made narrow enough to avoid overlap even in those cases.

This has been suggested here About the current state of spacecraft in the game - #38 by Sophodot and this change will be made when development resumes.

Has been suggested in the past, but it’s low-priority

Already reported. Won’t fix. Try not to get both bug and idea medals together so the discrepancy can’t be spotted :wink:

By mistake. It’s too late to fix this.

You’re using data files from a previous CIU version. Are you using a mod? Re-install if necessary.

This might be possible if players join while keys exist (although it’s more likely one of the alive players did not in fact collect the key). I’ll look into it.

This is by design when you receive a new message. Although I admit it does look weird when the new message arrives in a different category. Will look into it.

Directions are random, so this sometimes happens. Not worth fixing.

Will look into it

Bug confirmed. Will fix.


well, the blueprints being top-down in old versions were intended and was changed, so it counts as an idea, right?

While decorating the Strobe light, I notice that something is not right.
(The red circle thing is the Strobe light that blink on the right side)

that would render perishable items useless as most perishable items purchased in the store are used to play tournaments and events. If you think the Appetite Factors are too unbalanced, you can suggest to IA to reduce their bodies rather than being used in just one type of mission

can u send a bigger picture

I think the thundercluck boss danger zone is a bit useless, you can make the spaceship likely to collide with thundercluck when he appear by making him invincible (he I don’t have a guitar at the moment) and when he starts attacking the guitar will come to him. Or simply remove the danger zone

Do you have an explanation for the error for the base update?

Currently, in the meta of the game right now, Positron Stream is way too broken at high firepower (at low firepower, it is perfectly fit for newbies and rookies who wants a high DPS weapon) due to three reasons:
-High damage per shot (at max firepower it can deal 1,100 per shot)
-Exceedingly fast firerate (combining with the first reason, it has tremendously high damage output which breaks the weapon balancing system)
-Low/average overheat
The last two reasons would be fine if the weapon deal slightly less damage from a certain firepower so I suggest reducing its damage per shot from firepower no.5 onwards by 15% which keeps the weapon the same way it is supposed to work and make it balance for veteran players who has upgraded this weapon to level 8
@InterAction_studios, please change this so that the weapon is overall not BROKEN like it is right now

Maybe it’s not a big mistake Somewhat

@InterAction_studios Can I suggest adding satellite transparency, similar to darken other players in multiplayer but transparent instead, or have the satellites rendered below everything else, cuz having many of them obstructs the view, and dying to a random egg hidden behind your weapon is no fun

The satellite can’t be hidden because it will cause great disruption

Far from that, I’m merely suggesting changing their visibility, not completely hiding them, that’d be dumb

This is possible, but the attacks may come to you and you do not see the satellite, is that right?

This is already suggested in the weapon balancing topic

Why are you so interested in knowing this?