A few questions about the future of the franchise

Yeah, no one. Not a single soul.

Well, there’s me. I tried all games and I think it’s a parody.

See the criticism of Ready Player One. Large amount of people agree that too many references are a bad thing.

Few and hidden no, but here in Chicken Invaders the references are being thrown in your face all the time. I think that CI5 is the best example of that.

Have you heard of updates and something called reboot?

It’s more like the foundation of a story. Because so far we had only 3 stories: CI3 - Yolk Star revenge (simplest and most enjoyable for me), CI4 - Universe saving travel (it was also very entertaining and expanding the universe), and CI5 with the artifact of nonsense (this story is the worst and).

There’s a pretty good parody game called DLC Quest. You see it is literally made of references. Everything in it is a parody, but the thing is they made it very clear that it’s just that. And it was only a 1 time thing, but Chicken Invaders is now 20 years old. and has ~6 games. Don’t you agree that it’s enough?


So while I agree with everything else, there are three things I’d like to say:

No need for sarcasm. Showing this screenshot was enough, your comment felt more like a personal attack rather than an argument.

I must have misunderstood you, sorry for that. Some people like to use the term “parody” as an insult rather than a “heavy use of humor” like this Wikipedia article you took a screenshot of says.

Once again, the point of replying is to convince, not to confront.

Now, it’s too late to make updates, but a reboot? Sure, if IA has the time and energy to do that, and if it makes sense (plot-wise). Let’s not forget he works on games mostly by himself, and he’s tried hiring helpers before, but he didn’t like the way they did their job. Check this out for more information.


Sorry, if I discuss something for too long I tend to get pretty irritating and I lose my patience. That’s why I want to end it quickly and precisely.

What? Where do you people come up with this? Games that are 20 years are being updated from time to time. And I know that IA has the source code of CI2 to CI5 because he said that they all will eventually get borderless window update - Early Access version 29 - #37 by InterAction_studios
Heck even Big Developers do it. VALVE CHANGED PORTAL ENDING 3 YEARS AFTER RELEASE. They changed the ending! It was something that changed the story and we’re talking about changing a name and spaceship look which will not change the story.
(there’s also star wars which had too much changes cough Greedo cough so it’s best to not overdo it)

Plot-wise it can’t be worse than CI5 so it’s already somewhat easier. He just needs to go back to CI3 and CI4 and look back at the universe that was built with them. Like if it must be about the so-called-now Hen then it would be good to show the first meeting with space crab.

Ok, I get it. It’s not easy to make games alone. But it can’t be the argument to everything.

And this fact alone tells much about IA. Because the games are really well made from technical point of view. If there was an interesting story (which would be a hard task since you literally must think of something that involves chickens invading the space) or something fresh with the shmup gameplay ([spoiler]yes it’s hard, but look at the Monolith (Star of Providence on Steam) maybe the games could have gain some attention from more passionate gamers (and maybe game journalists?). But we won’t get anything if we won’t experiment with existing stuff and stopping the changes because it break the traditions. Plenty of you agree that Early Access is perfect for trying new things and tinkering with existing ones so maybe we can all come up with something fresh for this series. Something 100% original.


This is probably a stupid question, but I’m going to drop it anyway: @InterAction_studios, are you still considering suggestions from fans, regarding weapons and bosses or any “core” part of the game? I’m asking because the “To-do” list seems very large.

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Suggestions are still welcome, however as you point out there’s a huge backlog of work, which means there’s no guarantee if/when I’ll be able to get to a particular suggestion :frowning:


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