A few questions about the future of the franchise

I think it would be a waste of so many reasources to not continue it for as long as possible, so I see the game as lasting longer.


CIU has the potential to be the ultimate CI game, actually. Adding new ‘games’ as a separate Episodes (via purchase of course, just like a new game) would be the best way, in my opinion. All the games get the same bugfixes and upgrades, and you have everything in one place. And, it would open gates to try different stuff, like… play CI4 with a bomber? Got it! Use the Corn Shotgun on CI3? Got it too!

THE ONLY WAY of keeping this game alive is by making purchasable expansion packs for 39.99$, that’s how we keep our games alive and popular, iA learn from us.

Funny thing, that is how I think that ‘Episodes’ could work perfectly for this game, obviously not at 40 bucks but the same price as every CI game.

Then nobody(almost no one) will play the episodes.

The game will be supported for as long as humanly possible. If it’s not commercially successful, development might stop, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t be supported.

By “4 years” you mean the gap between new game releases? This is not the same as the lifespan. CI2 already has a lifespan of 17 years.

I might hire some people to develop for me. I’ve already tried that 3 times (with the mobile platforms), but their work simply wasn’t good enough, so I eventually did it myself. But we can always hope :slight_smile:


Develop for you? If you need graphics designer I would be glad to help… unless you are the one that does all that work and don’t mind it. But I’m proficient in 3D design, textures, materials and photoshop.

Plus I would love to know how CI graphics are formed. Solid models look like animated sprites rendered from 3D models, and I have no idea how do you even layer the effects (thrusters, weapons…) on top of them. Maybe I’m wrong. I actually might look into game files if that’s even possible XD One thing is for sure, your games are really unique graphically and in style, and I don’t think anyone would be able to really replicate that.

Also I wonder if the enemies and missions are hardcoded or if there’s a specific lang/workflow used for scripting the missions.

You need to advertise the game more, use your Facebook and Youtube more and u’ll see how much more players you’ll get, oh and MONEY.

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Why not? It would be the same as buying Chicken Invaders 6, but now everything in the same place. Older episodes wouldn’t have to be bought twice, you would redeem them with your serial key.

One question that I forgot to add:

If you continue developing Episodes after CIU, will the community ideas like weapons and enemies be ported over or will they remain confined to Universe?


If we’re optimists, we can know for sure these changes will be ported. And, to be honest, I don’t see why not.

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If it fits into the new episode’s design, it will be ported. Weapons are the simplest to port, enemies also pretty easy, but there might not be a place for some things (for example, new spacecraft designs in the case where the new episode does not support changing your spacecraft)


Maybe this question is not relatable to this topic, but I also had it in my mind for a long time. I was too afraid to ask back then.
Have you even been thinking about creating a new game franchise (Not a CI game, a completely different, new game, franchise)? or you were focused on developing Chicken Invaders games? I’d be nice to see a new game, in my opinion.

Yes, but it’s not practically possible for several reasons:

  • CIU is already taking up all of my time (and then some)
  • New IP is very risky. You could spend months developing something that will not even pay back its development costs cough Smileyville cough. Even the most successful non-CI game (Piggly) is not sufficiently successful to live on.
  • Right before CIU there was in fact a new IP game under development, which got cancelled after a year because it was too ambitious for one person. CIU is also too ambitious, but the reason it’s even feasible is because it builds on the foundations laid by CI3/4/5.

Not to mention that there already have a large fanbase who will be eager to buy the licenses for it.

Though if you feel like making another CI canon game,I would suggest a prequel for Hen Solo’s adventures.I feel that since CI4,there is scope for an extended universe.

Please no. Can we already stop with references and easter eggs to other stuff. No wonder people still see Chicken Invaders as a parody. I mean, every part has references or easter eggs that are part of the main story. It’s not how that should work. I hope that another CI game is 100% original.


No I wasn’t talking about Piggly and Island Wars,I was talking about Hen Solo,because he’s really obscure.Maybe the Hen Solo game may be what the series needs,because that story would have a more serious tone.

Thats the problem. The reference is Star wars, not piggly or island wars.

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Yeah, where did I even mention Piggly or Island Wars?