Yolk-Star balance?

Is this boss balanced? I do not feel like that. I have not been able to beat it a single time I fought it.
It is such an unfair boss in my eyes. The lasers are too close to each other and always move towards you, tracking you.
It has, what it feels, the most HP of any boss in the game. I can have 30 energy, it takes hours to take it down to 50% or so.
Ion Blaster, Lightning Frier, Fork weapon, everything seems to be just bad against it.
The hitbox is also just too small to hit it, since the cannons block all your shots. Any auto-aim weapons straight-up suck against it, as they hit the cannons 99% of the time. And the quarter phases are brutal.
Terminator Chicken you have to dodge, and the lasers. It is just too much for the room you are given.
But not only that, it spawns special chickens like the poison cloud one or the gluttonous one which explodes. how is a normal human supposed to be concentrating on the lasers which actively try to kill you and chickens which actively seek you out and are always spawned where you are.
I cannot believe that this boss is supposed to be that difficult and I am certain that it has to be nerfed for how common it appears.
I can think of so many ways to nerf it, so it becomes bearable.
Reduce its health massively,
or make the cannons also take damage,
or decrease the number of cannons,
or disable any special chickens spawning during the fight,
or make them more predictable by spawning normal ones and not terminator chickens,
or zoom the fight out so the rail the cannons move on is increased in size, giving the player more air,
or make the cannons able to overlap each other to free up some space,
or, and this is obviously the best, remove the boss from the game. Thank you.


How do you even fight this guy to have THAT much trouble???

If your Auto Locking weapons are constantly hitting cannons, it means you’re standing wayyyyy too far away from the boss.

As for the Lasers, they are random. They don’t track you.

As for the health, it has almost as much as Hend Game.

The boss is not unfair, just hard. All I can tell you is to get good.


It’s obviously in harder side, but still possible. Pretty annoying with toxic, chickenaut or armored chicken though…

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At what difficulty do you play? Skill level?


I just have too little space to be able to dodge the chickens that spawn. They actively try to run into me 100% of the time. I either get hit by one instantly or try do dodge them and get behind them and die to one of its cannons.
I have beaten him countless times when I played the original game, even on the hard difficulties, but in CIU he is straight-up impossible for me.
I tried to beat him with the Lightning Frier, the purple beams, getting really close. It still does like 0.3-0.5% damage per second to him. Tried Corn Shotgun and the Ion Blaster. And if I die to the first chickens wave, the damage just dies and he takes like 0.1% damage per shot.

Superstar Hero. I never had any issues with any boss and I can consistently do boss rushes and defeat the more difficult bosses, but the Star? No way.

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For starters: Don’t friggin panic. The more you panic, the more likely you’ll die stupidly.

Second: Terminators are MEANT to go to where your ship is. Just make sure to keep moving.

And lastly: The only thing it’s weak to is Patience.


Look, like all the boſſes you juſt have to get uſed to it. Might I ſuggeſt practicing at a lower difficulty?


Then the chickens might bump into you since you’re focusing fighting the main boss

Weird since CI3 doesn’t have any zoom outs


Please, don’t


The difficulty doesn’t change the boss.
Cannons are the same, every mechanic is the same. Just less health as far as I know.
Also what is up with the weird signs in your post. I had difficulties to decipher those.

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That’s the way he writes the s, you’ll get used to it

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I admit that Yolk-Star TM is a tough boss too.
This boss is a nightmare on elite missions.
Whenever those terminator chickens trap my way, I’d go with speacial weapons.
I never beat this boss if I didn’t equip any special weapons, and
dimensional phase-out is pretty useful to deal against this boss.
I think the way to balance this boss is to make the field wider like Henterprise do.


That’s really big for a non-zoomed out boss like this

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Against Yolk Star, you shouldn’t focus on the boss itself, instead you should focus on your spaceship and nearby lasers. And be patient on luring the terminators.

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So I got back into the fight right now and I now noticed just how much health it has.
The Absolver I have, and dealt 16% of health bars to King Crab and the Mechanical Crab 2.0 deals pathetic 2.8% damage to the Yolk-Star.

I believe that enemies should either be tanky or deal a lot of damage or have alot of projectiles.
And while other bosses are pretty well-balanced around that concept, like a bullethell enemy has less health, and an easy to dodge has more, like the henterprise and whatnot, the Yolk Star simply has too much health for all the stuf that happens on-screen.

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I guess its more health lets you to rest a while before fighting another wave :thinking:

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Isn’t the escape button there for that?


If you need it, you could abuse it as many as you want.

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How is pressing ESC to pause your game because I have to pee or need a second to breathe or someone rang my door or my child fell under the glass table and I need to call an ambulance “abusing” it?

What do you mean? This is what ESC does: Pauses the Game.

Well Akemisora said the health gives me time to rest before I fight the next wave.
And I said I can press ESC any time when I want to rest.
Then I assume he thinks that pressing ESC somehow abuses it.