When you die in a Space Race

It’s a strategy, you are free to apply it.

I would have never though of going yihad on any game, so it’s kind of funny.

Still, remember that you’re losing lives for this strategy, so at 1-2 per boss you have, 8 lost lives? That’s almost 40 keys, so while you could say that this strategy is lazy and sHoLd Be bAnNed, remember that it comes with a cost. Also, the three mass condensers cost keys and loosing firepower doesn’t help on time unless it’s only on the final boss.


It’s an open early access version forum. I’m free to complaint.

So? Players decided to lose their lives this way. I’d say that no one forced you to do so, but that’s not true because of others doing it. If you want to even have a little chance of winning you also must use this strategy. And the fact that it comes with a cost doesn’t matter here.

Still, it saves you time by minutes as EmeraldPlay wrote.

Speaking of keys. Has everyone forgot that this game will have the option to purchase keys with REAL MONEY? So to make it more clear: If you want to win at space race (which is a global leaderboard challenge) you must either grind the keys yourself (it’s not a problem for SSH player right now, we don’t know if there will be any changes with keys economy) or pay for them. The second option is dangerously close to pay-2-win.

For the low amount of keys that races give, it’s not really an issue.

Less than an hour of grinding missions (Supernova, etc.) is enough to have resources needed for a daily.

For now that is. Just because the mass condensers are cheap right now doesn’t mean it’ll always be cheap. Just like what qbus said, we don’t know whether the current key economy will be maintained after full release. There’s a non 0% chance that the system could be changed and keys would be harder to obtain, or the prices of items are increased, or both. I disagree with qbus’s attitude on things but I’ll have to agree that this is an unfair advantage given to players with more keys. Other perishables get a pass as they have less impact on the space race leaderboard (as far as I’m concerned) but giving a weapon to players, costing only 8 keys each (combining the cost of a mass condenser and an extra life) that can destroy most bosses in a couple of hits is unarguably broken as it renders mines, missiles and clucker bombs obsolete in comparison when it comes to boss fights.


Not that you can use them in the space race, anyways. Well, you can, but the penalty is too awful for that. Besides, it’s not like any of these were good for bosses in the first place. They are good for groups of chickens, not singular targets that are the bosses.

That’s the case with all challenges.
Honestly, I thought it was nice that the mass condenser finally had its use because it’s totally useless in competitive gameplay otherwise.
If anything, one complaint I do have for it is that you have to get so lucky if you want to get back all the powerups you’d lose from crashing.
I honestly felt like that’s the biggest issue here.
Considering you have to either get at least 5 powerups per stage by restarting each wave constantly until you get a powerup in each one or just by getting lucky. Otherwise, I thought this was a nice strat since not many people think about it and it’s not that expensive, anyways.
You get most of the keys back by the end of the race.
I guess that you can say that the player is being rewarded for technically playing worse, though. Still, I’d still like it if this thing had some other use if it was changed here because it’s not that useful otherwise.
I have to say that it’s not totally lazy, though. You have to know when to crash, and how many times during a boss fight, especially if you get something like a henterprise or chicken multiplicity. It’s not about crashing every time you see a boss. You still have to know if the boss will die from it.

This, though, is a good idea…honestly, just randomize the ship’s loadout for every new challenge.
Make it the same for every player, but different per each challenge. That would be fun.
Only problem is the weapons…if you get something weak, like boron railgun, it’s…certainly not going to go well.
Maybe this would be better if weapons get rebalanced


I won’t reply to anything else because it’s worthless, but I have something to add.

Still, your idea involves superweapons and other helping stuff right? I was precisely talking about a challenge where nothing is allowable to use. You are just given a fixed weapon that you can’t change during the gameplay and you must use your skill to win most points / have a best time.

It’s even better if a weak weapon is picked for a challenge, because it just tests your pure skill in gameplay.

I feel like there also should be done something to deal with RNG powerups, but that needs much more thinking to do it right.

No, it just means you have to deal with stuff for longer.

Yes, it involves more helping stuff to make it more interesting. Weapons generally just change how long the challenge will be.

unless you get riddler on spiral of doom, in which case you will be simply unable to pass the wave. :smile:


What I have learned from the previous replies:

Only use the crash strat on single final bosses
Get more keys
“Save for later” more “Key Grind Levels” (Asteroid, Comet, Supernova, do boss rushes count?)
Get more slots or a better ship

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We didn’t say that.
If you want to compete, crashing on most of the bosses is necessary. For the first boss in the mission, it’s not, but it is for every other boss, sometimes more than once.


hey I saw the same name on Orandza Youtube channel? is that you “EmeraldV”?


Yeah, I often play multiplayer matches with him
and it’s " Emerald ’ v ’ "


That was something I suggested, although as practice missions witha fixed reward accessible from Hero’s Academy.But whatever,I’d just like challenge missions in the game anyway.

Superweapons are not necessarily cancer bruh.

There are beginners who might find the challenges harder.Challenges that go hardcore could award more keys.Both easy and hard missions should co-exist,and come to think of it,if we get pre-loadouts for dailies,then it comes down to raw skill.

Personally,I don’t use superweapons or perishables at all,and even if they’re docked,I manage to not use them.

If everything is hardcore,then CIU will change into a talent show for CI skills,not a game that you can comfortably start from.

Your opinion. Please accept mine.

Good. That’s why they are challenges.

Not could. MUST.

That’s exactly what I want to have. Way to test skill of players.

Me too. I finished every episode of CI on every dificulty without superweapons/missiles. I managed to develop a disgust about them because they make the game so much easier and less fun to play.

Isn’t it already? Look at challenges, look at the discussions after famous version nr 10.

I don’t exactly see how my suggestion is making everything hardcore. Or even one thing. If anything, it actually gives chance for other players that don’t know about the crashing trick (or feel like it’s cheating) to succeed in challenge.


Well,I was expresseing the same thing in softer language.

Though explosions going off on the screen was what attracted me to the game in the first place.

P.S. I’ve never,until now,defeated the Yolk-Star on CI3 without detonating the 50 or so missiles accumulated throughout the course of gameplay.But then, I’m not too spectacular a player.

You deserve that motley,then.Some tweaks are required in that area.

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What is this?


Sorry, but all I can think about that is Mötley Crüe.


You are on the internet.How long would it take to consult a dictionary?