What happened and why this is weird pls help

you mean i have to wait for next update and will come back automaticlly

i had an email

i wasnt using guest

and could show me how to recover pls

bro where did you go

Ok , see if you remember your email , so go to accounts :

then click on link account :

then type your email . then click link account . if you successfully did these steps then you will see your account as awaiting pin . If everything worked this awaiting pin then tell me .

i tried it sayed no account found for this email

i writed my email but nothing happend

but why my account got deleted

my name was on the all time best

is it stolen

Take help from @InterAction_studios .

how to chat with ia

wait until IA see this topic .

Since you have a guest account, you can’t do anything about it, meaning that you have to start over.


no i got an email account it worked i have to enter the pin its fixed

When you BSoDed, your save file somehow got corrupted. The error message you saw was probably a part of that profile debugging notifications iA made in order to catch steam cloud misbehaving. When iA is online he’ll eventually see this. If by that time you don’t restore the account on your own, you will get help from iA.

I see that player 676 has an e-mail associated with it, so you are simply entering the wrong e-mail. Using the correct e-mail, follow these instructions to re-link your account: What happened and why this is weird pls help - #12 by horizon-emmiter


For real, this is the first time I met a person got BSoD by a game.

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Me too, I didn’t notice that before.

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