What happened and why this is weird pls help

so i was gonna play ciu when i entred my pc gave an blue screen of death and the pc restarted i didnt update my windows so an update happened too after it i entered ciu and saw this message:warning ciu.hst zeroed and some others i dont remeber them my acc wasnt there i was a guest and everything was reseted i got shocked what happened i tryed to make it back and didnt work my call sign is player 676 is my account blocked or deleted i just didnt played for 2 days why its deleted

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Same , I also saw these massages , they resets your settings , like sound settings , graphics settings etc.

not necessary i guess.

Don’t make progress on guest accounts , because they are deleted later. You must create a proper Gmail/email account so that if your account is lost then you can recover it even on any device .

how to recover it

my account was ok but after the update got dispeared

I think it cannot be recovered :frowning: but may be You should talk to IA so before release of version 140 you can recover.

after the update ? in new versions of CIU , guest accounts are deleted :frowning: .

you mean i have to wait for next update and will come back automaticlly

i had an email

i wasnt using guest

and could show me how to recover pls

bro where did you go

Ok , see if you remember your email , so go to accounts :

then click on link account :

then type your email . then click link account . if you successfully did these steps then you will see your account as awaiting pin . If everything worked this awaiting pin then tell me .

i tried it sayed no account found for this email

i writed my email but nothing happend

but why my account got deleted

my name was on the all time best

is it stolen

Take help from @InterAction_studios .

how to chat with ia

wait until IA see this topic .