📊 Weapon data spreadsheet

38% - 78%, with Superstar Hero (78% - 118%)

The gap between the percentages are large enough so it looks like it was enhanced by Superstar Hero skill.


that’s nice!!!

Original post updated.


Does that mean that we won’t lose any mounted equipment after the mission with modded weapons ?


I tested it, and the mounted equipment is still there after reopening the game.


I just wanted to mention that I think it’s amazing how far we’ve come. I don’t know of any weapon table earlier than mine, which I clumsily made over 5 years ago.

This was probably the original source of the 6.5 and 10.2 myths, as well as the overheat times. They lasted for an astonishing amount of time, and without good reason. They could have been easily disproved with more accurate and independent testing.
I’ve kept expanding and updating it, and now there is an official table at last, which is even integrated with the game, there is no need for me to test and crunch numbers anymore. It’s a feeling I can’t describe.


inter action, can you be banned because of using it too much?

Incorrect. It’s just testing. Besides, it disconnects you at the end of mission. so how would you be banned even?

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oh, it thought it same as cheating in cheat engine

It’s not.

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ok, I LOVED THIS FEATURE, althought it’s cheating, i like the most out of everything in my life

Can you both stop? And pacman why are you again starting pointless discussion?


You will not be punished for using a custom Excel file.

@trueuser Don’t correct other users. Mind your own business.


This topic was automatically opened after 74 minutes.

I’ll try messing with the excel file more, to see what happens if I set the damage to 0 and to a negative number

If you set it to a negative number, expect the enemies to be healed instead of being damaged.
If you set it to 0, nothing happens, but there might be a chance for the game to crash.

… bruh. I haven’t tried both healing and damaging the same enemy, I’m just curious. Please don’t spoil it

Spoil what? the topic post even states that 0 will make the game crash.


Try 2,000,000 to one-shot bosses.

bruh do 1E+99