Wave Honing Operation - Part 1: Pulsating grid

Look, I juſt found a ſimilar complaint to yours here. This is AI’s reſtponſe:
“[at]cook1ee Depends. If you encountered it with SSH, then anything goes. Keep some missiles handy for such occasions. But if you encounter an ‘impossible’ wave with Rookie skill, let us know and we’ll take the difficulty of that particular wave down a notch.”
(I removed the @ to avoid pinging cook1ee.)

If you can give ſome evidence that it’s too hard on Rookie, then I’ll have a much more open mind. As it is, I think that SSH is too eaſy and ſhould be buffed, including increaſing the chances of all-miniboſs waves. If it’s too hard for you, ſwitch to vitüoſo, which I’m pretty ſure is a difficulty at which very few players play, there beïng little difference between adjacent difficulties.