Share your CI myth/facts

five wars actually

A theory: CI5 hero will marry mad madam after the war ends. (in space burger) lol
They will have lunch and fun.

I made it


i forgor :skull:

The shady dealer is quite shady. One has to wonder how has it got hold of it’s merchandise, and why do they sell it at below-market average prices…

Myth: We are hens. Here’s and we fight against chickens the proof
Chicken invaders
Henne & Cock (H&C spacecrafts)
The Upcoming Raven spacecraft

Yeah bro like damn. Poor chickens


Here’s a fun myth. See this spaceship?

You probably remember this as the Authentic Hero’s spaceship in CI2. Except, it wasn’t. This paintjob, despite being used in the marketing for the “Remastered” edition of The Next Wave, never appears in that game - the player ship has no blue paint at all, and is a decidedly darker colour. Indeed, the pictured design never actually appeared in any of the games, although it most closely resembles the player from Revenge of the Yolk.


fact: the ci narrator is schizophrenic


Wut :face_with_monocle:


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i just noticed the chicken is holding its tits, what the fuck


flagged for nsfw

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This design seems to share traits of both the final CI3 design (darker nose and wing tips) and the one seen in screenshots on IA’s site as well as gameplay sections of the official trailer (windshield color).

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New in-game item: “Pills”. Permanently ends the game, revealing that our player has been locked in a mental facility due to severe psychosis since the “Chicken farm incident of 1999”


holy shit thats dark

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What is that asteroid in the top right?

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