Reconnecting to a mission

But you can alt+tab to switch to other app. The game will be automatic paused when you switch back to the game (if the game is connected).

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It’s easy keyboard control :point_up:t3:

i tried it and
Thank you my pc just froze
Any cool ideas you want me to try it



Alright then, I’m not gonna Alt+Tab.

It shouldn’t.
This feature exists from looong ago, and it works fine.

Well i guess my pc couldn’t handle it idk
But it froze

Hmm, this feature likely exists from Windows 98, you probably had many stuff open.

Can you buy a computer with better performance then?

Do i look like that i have that much money to you
I can’t even make my internet better how am i gonna buy new pc

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I’m not a millionaire either, but more than one year and a half ago my father bought me a better computer (the one I’m using nowadays). Maybe ask your parents, or work for it?

You don’t need a new PC, but you may need clean up your current OS a bit.

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My pc is fine i think
It just freeze when i do that
And i don’t know why

try pressing windows logo key


I do that too.

:white_check_mark: Solution

Can you give a info about your PC?

Yhe Alt-Tab control has existed since Windows 1, but it’s not exactly the same. The way it works now has existed since Windows 3.


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