Power limit is annoying

don’t think that the idea of ​​power limit is weird? that’s what I think so I recommend you some ideas.

  1. Power limit unlimited for all spaceships
  2. Upgrade Power limit of spaceships with keys.
    I want to remove power limit because it’s already boring to play with M408 Cuisiner and all the Muller Industries Spaceship, i want to play with the Henne & Cock spaceships because its looks very good and its very weird to have power limit 8-10…The best option would be idea 2, but I also prefer the idea 1
    What do you think about this?
  • Remove The Power Limit
  • Upgrade The Power Limit

0 voters

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Wow, an idea so good there’s no way to disagree on the poll 2: the sequel

  • Leave everything as is

0 voters

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personally i think the right idea is the upgrade the power limit on the spaceships in my opinion soo…

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Yeah you do, but many of us don’t. Yet you put up a poll where people can’t disagree and must only vote for either of the two options you’d like.


maybe just your friends group wants to Leave everything as is. What do you think about this?

but i have a question. Why do you like the power limit?

I don’t know, maybe you should see the poll vermishelb put up. Also i have no clue what you mean by my friends group, bud. I don’t even know some of the people who voted on the poll.

Keeps things balanced. H&C family was too good, no one ever bothered to upgrade over to mullers because it had max power, provided a key boost and the ships were small.

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I have turned votes display on specifically to eliminate the possibility of “friends group”. The power limit just makes sense, it makes it easier to balance ships usage and their good and bad sides. If before I’d use either H&C 101 or BX-6, now I use either M404 (M400 whenever I get it), VF-56, BX-7 or BX-9 depending on the type of mission I’m going in.


The power limit just make no sense this idea is probably the worst idea i see ever in ciu. I think IA make this idea because of the pandemic situation… power limit must be removed. The only man who reply here is your friend. Let the people choose not your friends It’s 9 votes from 20 minutes ago because you have no friends left. Man think lucidly this is the worst ciu idea ever.

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What in the world does the pandemic have to do with this? It was done because it makes thing smore balanced.
And chill out with the insults.


show me the insults if this really exists.

Here is just my personally opinion

Actually they’re not insults, my bad. Still, got no clue what friends group you’re talking about.

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Ok, thanks for your opinion. Have a good day.

But beside the power limit, H&C and VF- ship have more unique advantage that Muller doesn’t have (Better key gaining and Environment Resistance)

Everything in the game has already been balanced, so don’t complain anymore!

power limit is for balance when the ship has many other advantages :/.

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Power should be limited to make game balanced, but it should be higher than now. We must be strong against the chickens.

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Instead of remove or upgrade the power limite, a Weapon Balance update for 8power-limited spaceship and 9power-limited spaceship is better
Weapon Limite Power is necessary to balance all spaceship family, so don’t change anything about that. I see weapon limite power for each spaceship is reasonable, but a weapon balance update like i’m said is more useful

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