New wave idea (tank wheel) 💡

This is a wave that no one has ever thought of. When the wave starts, a number of chickens come from the top or bottom (the wave can also be a mirror) (may come from the left or right). Then, when they reach the opposite side, they turn around and exit from the other side (they do this 3 times).

If you didn’t understand something tell me I will answer.

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It’s just something similar to Overarching Chickens


Yeah but it is little different
It comes from 2 sides
But this wave it comes from 1 side and it can be mirrored

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Yeah, that’s why I think it won’t be added
Like Two-Strokes Engine (?) wave suggestion by Fractorial


Or maybe four-stroke engine by no one :smile:

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jesus christ make the UI smaller please


Other wave variations were added though, so it’s still up to iA.

To OP, it’s called caterpillar by the way.


I thought it’s gonna be interesting like that one.

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Yes but this is wheel of tank

Wheel Of Fortune

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